Clovis S.J Onadja
Clovis S.J Onadja
> Hi, can you post your `security.yaml` here? ```yaml # config/packages/security.yaml security: enable_authenticator_manager: true password_hashers: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface: 'auto' App\Entity\User: algorithm: auto providers: app_user_provider: entity: class: App\Entity\User property: email firewalls: dev: pattern:...
hi, someone can help me ?
> > hi, someone can help me ? > > I can't reproduce your issue because my custom authenticator is working fine. > > I wonder is it because of...
> > Hi, I've tried what you say too and I get the same result, my custom class doesn't take it. debugging and using the dump function I don't see...
> In my case, what I want to achieve is a JWT login through email or username. It seems that the LexikJWTAuthentication bundle does not do it by itself and...
> > The authenticator actually retrieves the JWT token if it exists in the incoming request, and then retrieves the user from the database from the $payload. > > Now...
> > I also searched in vain how it proceeds to authenticate the default user just in api/login_check in the routes.yaml file > > We are almost in the same...
> > I also searched in vain how it proceeds to authenticate the default user just in api/login_check in the routes.yaml file > > We are almost in the same...
> > And indeed it is called, but only in the parent class (JWTTokenAuthenticator). The local one(CustomJWTTokenAuthenticator) to override the loadUser method is never called. > > Mine custom authenticator...
> > can u share your example work, maybe it's configuration issues too. > > I test it with memory user config. > > security.yaml > > ```yaml > security:...