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reboot via MQTT feature
As Retain Messages on MQTT is in the same time a bless and a pain in the ass, I decided to reboot my Tasmota devices 30 seconds after Home Assistant starts via Automations->mqtt publish cmnd/device_name/restart. However, on wthermostatbeca seems that this feature does not work. I tried also therm/bedroom/cmnd/restart but still no luck.
It would be nice to add the reboot via MQTT feature
~~@mccasian - for me reboot of my BHT-002 via MQTT actually works.~~ ~~This is the script I used:~~ ~~[xx]~~
~~However, after that I noticed strange behaviour when thermostat started rebooting periodically by itself.~~ ~~Periods between reboots I witnessed: 30s, 45s, 60s, 1m30s, 2m40s.~~
~~MQTT Explorer did not show that the cmnd/restart message would be somehow repeated.~~
~~What solved this issue for me was restarting of HASS.~~ ~~I still have no idea what exactly caused this behaviour.~~
EDIT: Unintented periodic reboot has restarted again ~25mins after HASS restart. Now I closed the thermostat browser windows I had opened for monitoring purposes. Rebooting has stopped. I have to keep on watching it further.
Sorry for confusion, the MQTT publish restart command actually does not reboot the device.
The rebooting in my case was caused by the opened
screen in my browser.
I have re-tested this multiple times and I can identify that having BHT-002 device's WThermostat 1.19.beta1-fas Live WebLog
screen opened causes the device to reboot.
As I was initially calling the mqtt.publish restart command in parallel, I misinterpreted that it actually works.
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