jQuery-Selector-Cache copied to clipboard
Cache your selectors, without messy code.
jQuery Selector Cache
Cache your selectors, without messy code.
This library is so tiny, just copy paste its whole source after your copy of jQuery (its faster than the browser downloading another file).
<!-- $$ https://github.com/farzher/jQuery-Selector-Cache -->
<script>!function($,n){var r,e,t={},c={};$$=function(f,u){return u?((r=u.selector)&&(u=r),e=c[u],e===n&&(e=c[u]={}),r=e[f],r!==n?r:e[f]=$(f,$$(u))):(r=t[f],r!==n?r:t[f]=$(f))},$$clear=function($,e){e?((r=e.selector)&&(e=r),$&&(r=c[e])&&(r[$]=n),c[e]=n):$?(t[$]=n,c[$]=n):(t={},c={})},$$fresh=function($,n){return $$clear($,n),$$($,n)},$.fn.$$=function($){return $$($,this)},$.fn.$$clear=function($){$$clear($,this)},$.fn.$$fresh=function($){return $$fresh($,this)}}(jQuery)</script>
// Instead of
// Use
The next time you call $$('div')
it will be instantly fetched from the cache.
Caching? Why should I care
jQuery itself does no caching. The DOM is slow. You shouldn't look for something that you've found before. Using this code might give you free performance.
$('.thing') // Slow
$('.thing') // Just as slow
$$('.thing') // Slow
$$('.thing') // Instant
Benchmarks https://jsperf.com/jquery-selector-cache-benchmark/1
Over 100% faster than jQuery with no cache.
The next time you call$$('div')
it will be fetched from the cache. -
Invalidates the cache. The next time you call$$('div')
It will return fresh results. -
Shortcut for$$clear('div')
Advanced usage
$$('div', '#context')
Find within a context -
$$clear('div', '#context')
Invalidates query on the context -
Invalidates the cache, and all queries on the context -
Invalidates all of the cache -
$$fresh('div', '#context')
Shortcut for$$clear('div', '#context')
$$('div', '#context')
- OOP syntax
jQache is more popular, and does more. Although, if this works for you and you're hardcore about performance, this plugin is less heavy (because it's more simple).
Or just don't use a library: let $mybutton = $('#mybutton'); $mybutton.click(); $mybutton.hide()