Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro

Results 62 comments of Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro

And implements webrtc without browser... Its possible? And this... https://github.com/pion/webrtc and https://github.com/thorst/RTC

libtorrent (arvidn/libtorrent#223, #241) implementation finshed, awaiting review to go/ready

> Is there any guide to compile rtorrent with webrtc support? > > //sorry for offtopic. ~~I think isn't have any movement to turn hybrid the rtorrent~~ (https://github.com/rakshasa/rtorrent/issues/717) btw... I...

hello... btw, for the new package needs a new release of the project because for a long time no releases

Related issue #53

I think this issue resolves #17

the implementation of webtorrent turn the client hybrid, like https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-hybrid ![](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/21fe77acadaba6f57b12d0d89551b07c9253e06589f16dd9554c0de6547379b1/68747470733a2f2f776562746f7272656e742e696f2f696d672f6e6574776f726b2e706e67) > [Issue to track progress on getting WebRTC support into popular torrent clients](https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent/issues/369) Few, very few clients are hybrid...

Seria o mesmo esquema se estive restaurando no metal (hardware real)... vc pode dar um `docker exec -it` (**não esqueça destas duas opções... abre o console e interatividade pelo teclado**)...

Great! my project is oldest, the pionner, and of the our friend @lichti sound good code, and same logical structure. I think to switching code, within xauth improvements. I will...

Seeing, the Dockerfile, a idea of implements font-symbola, anti-alias and libpulse. And audio,video groups, I not remember if my Dockerfile has too. And the using firefox-esr rather than latest firefox....