mail icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mail copied to clipboard

golang send mail with SSL,TLS and support NTLM,LOGIN,PLAIN AUTH...

Mail 【golang send mail package】

 Mail: send mail support AUTH:

  • LOGIN : mail.LoginAuth(email.Username, email.Password)
  • CRAM-MD5: smtp.CRAMMD5Auth(email.Username, email.Password)
  • PLAIN : smtp.PlainAuth(email.Identity, email.Username, email.Password, email.Host)
  • NTLM: mail.NTLMAuth(email.Host, email.Username, email.Password, mail.NTLMVersion1) # mail.NTLMVersion2 也支持

Mail: send mail support Secure:

  • SSL
  • TLS
  • 非安全加密

Mail: Use

email := NewEMail(`{"port":25}`)
email.From = `[email protected]`
email.Host = ``
email.Port = int(25) // [587 NTLM AUTH] [465,994]
email.Username = `Farmerx`
email.Secure = `` // SSL,TSL
email.Password = `************`
authType := `LOGIN`
switch authType {
case ``:
	email.Auth = nil
case `LOGIN`:
	email.Auth = LoginAuth(email.Username, email.Password)
case `CRAM-MD5`:
	email.Auth = smtp.CRAMMD5Auth(email.Username, email.Password)
case `PLAIN`:
	email.Auth = smtp.PlainAuth(email.Identity, email.Username, email.Password, email.Host)
case `NTLM`:
	email.Auth = NTLMAuth(email.Host, email.Username, email.Password, NTLMVersion1)
	email.Auth = smtp.PlainAuth(email.Identity, email.Username, email.Password, email.Host)

email.To = []string{`[email protected]`}
email.Subject = `send mail success`
email.Text = "尊敬的用户:\r\n   您好,附件中是您订阅的报表,请注意查收。"
if err := email.Send(); err != nil {

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