
Results 16 comments of fariskas

@guilhermebpereira @TheBiggestNumber hello, do you guys mind sharing what was done to resolve the issue?

@guilhermebpereira thanks for the reply. I managed to do a workaround today by doing a fetch request to get the 302 redirect url to the mp4 video like so :...

anyone with an marquee3000.js just thats not in ES6? (does this make sense?) the current one doesnt work after i tried transpiling(?) and im not sure how to make that...

worked a treat! thanks! edited settings.php in the acf-better-search 'text' => __('Text', 'acf-better-search'), 'textarea' => __('Text Area', 'acf-better-search'), 'number' => __('Number', 'acf-better-search'), 'email' => __('Email', 'acf-better-search'), 'url' => __('Url', 'acf-better-search'),...

@quocthai95 hi, ive followed your steps from https://github.com/schmich/instascan/issues/182#issuecomment-447198290. i was wondering, im getting front camera as default on my android chrome. wondering how can i make back camera as default?...

having same issues with korean language