Faris Alasmary
Faris Alasmary
@Ihebzayen make sure that the output length
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بالنسبة ال directional derivative أتوقع إنه أفضل لو نسميها "المشتقة المتجهة" أفضل من "متجه الاشتقاقات" و الجمع غالبا بيكون "المشتقات المتجهة"ا مجرد اقتراح
بحثت و وجدت إن أفضل مسمى لل Hessian هو ببساطة مصفوفة هيس
@zaidalyafeai where can I find the linear algebra document that you translate it since I could not find it?
This project is built on top of the old version that does not support Hydra. Regrading your question about the "OnlineSpectrogramParser", it is exactly the same as "SpectrogramParser" with a...
@naveenss1995 I think this model will work with the deepspeech2 version mentioned above https://github.com/SeanNaren/deepspeech.pytorch/releases/download/v2.0/librispeech_pretrained_v2.pth
Can you share the error message?
> Its resolved modified audio parsing method in latest SpectrogramParser to use load_audio_from_txt, issue was resolved. What do you mean by the "latest" SpectrogramParser?