gruvbox_pygments icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Gruvbox colorscheme that uses Pygments to highlight IPython.

================ Gruvbox Pygments

.. moduleauthor:: Faris Chugthai

:date: |today|

Gruvbox <>_ is a phenomenal colorscheme for Vim, and gives a fantastic base for any terminal based application.

According to it's author:

Designed as a bright theme with pastel 'retro groove' colors and
light/dark mode switching in the way of solarized. The main focus
when developing gruvbox is to keep colors easily distinguishable,
contrast enough and still pleasant for the eyes.

To an impressive extent Gruvbox <>_ achieves this.

So why this repository?

Despite it's popularity as a Vim colorscheme, I have yet to find a faithful port of Gruvbox <>_ to pygments.


To install simply git clone this repository and run the following in your terminal of choice.

.. code-block:: bash

python build
python3 -m pip install -U -e .

Adjust the version of python as needed, as pygments as well as this library have been intentionally written to be compatible across versions of python 2.7 and up.

.. exception:: PermissionError

If raised during installation, add the --user flag to the end of the python -m pip command.

IPython Setup

To use this colorscheme in :mod:IPython, navigate to $HOME/.ipython and create/edit your file like so:

.. code-block:: bash

ipython profile create default

This command will pre-populate a well commented default configuration file.

At the top of the file add the following:

.. code-block:: ipython

from traitlets.config import get_config
c = get_config()
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.true_color = True
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.highlighting_style = 'GruvboxStyle'


Pygments colorschemes can be used for a wide variety of applications; however, and limiting it's use to only IPython is not necessary.

For example, the Sphinx documentation project also uses Pygments when highlighting blocks of code, and the documentation for this project is highlighted with the Gruvbox_ colorscheme.

Bundled Colorschemes

One can use :class:~gruvbox.GruvboxStyle, :class:~gruvbox.ptgruvbox.PtGruvboxStyle, and/or in any project that utilizes pygments in addition to providing them as parameters for prompt_toolkit and the PromptSession class.

Additional tokens have been provided in the PtGruvboxStyle class for users to style a non-IPython prompt-toolkit application.

Specifically, the PtGruvboxStyle class exists to providing them as parameters for prompt_toolkit and the PromptSession class.


.. currentmodule:: gruvbox.gruvbox

.. autoclass:: GruvboxStyle :show-inheritance:

The Gruvbox class in the style module represents the main class of the repository.

.. currentmodule:: gruvbox.ptgruvbox

.. autoclass:: PtGruvboxStyle :members: :show-inheritance:

This class is for use with prompt_toolkit applications, and as such, provides a few utility methods not found in the super-classes.


.. currentmodule::

.. autoclass:: Gruvbox :no-show-inheritance: :no-members:


The official source code for this library exists at <>_ and documentation that details how this Pygments plugin was made can be found at <>_.

Please open a pull request or an issue with any problems you see or any changes you'd recommend to the source code!
