Syed Faraz Haider

Results 18 comments of Syed Faraz Haider

you mean to say if i m doing it from storyboard then i need to make my table width half of the view and push it on a right side?

yap its look weird on big devices.(iphone 6 & 6+)

is there any way to use it using storyboard?

please help...

any update on this issue, as iam unable to do it.

i change update weeks function and now its showing me correct labels but now dates are mismatching with current calander month. `NSUInteger i = 6; for (NSString *day in weekdays)...

any update on this

i m still getting this issue.... i also try to put this last code in dispatch , some times it works fine other not. DispatchQueue.main.async { self.wheelControl.rotate(toIndex: self.selectedIndex) } }...