Faraz Ahmad
Faraz Ahmad
screenshot of my tf model(converted from pytorch->onnx-->tf) so ive updated my code to ``` import json import sys import os # import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import...
@chinhuang007 using above mentioned method in the link I get an error of undefined session. It seems TensorFlow needs sess to run the saved model at line `tf.saved_model.load( export_dir =...
after adding following opencv code `import cv2` `cv_img = np.array(img_out)` `rgbimg = cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_YCrCb2RGB)` after this [line](https://github.com/basher666/pytorch_srcnn/blob/38811ab07439c38c4992dd826ee79ced90e68c54/srcnn_run.py#L48) i got following results but they were still not satisfactory.Kindly correct me .....
@n-yoshida14 , is it possible for you to share sample "input.csv" file. I am having trouble in making one. I need to get inference to varify results. Thanks
@n-yoshida14 Thanks for your reply, one more question, how did you normalized x and y values? Thanks
@n-yoshida14 so what i have understood is the following x/width and y/height is this correct?
@n-yoshida14 thank you very much, you saved me a lot of time. Much appreciated...
@yuan0101213 , I am trying to do video alignment using DTW, it seems that you have implemented this already. Is it possible for you to share your implementation or any...
@yuan0101213 , thank you for quick response. From blog this is the code for DTW: ``` from numpy import array, zeros, argmin, inf, equal, ndim # from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist...
@yuan0101213 , thanks again for a thorough reply. I will apply your suggestions and update you here. Thanks