Dmitry Nefedov

Results 37 comments of Dmitry Nefedov

Because this script destroyed your Windows as many system before you... Look at 257 unread and unreplied issues here....


From my perspective of view, something is going wrong here:

@Trenly, WindowsPostInstallWizard has only one exe file in archive. Can it be the reason that its' archive can be expanded? I do not see any differences between SophiApp fundamental structure...

I did some local tests. I noticed that if an archive contains any folder, it cannot be extracted. I removed the `Bin` folder from the archive and moved all files...

Did additional tests. So, as a summary * winget failed to install if archive contains `root folder with files and folders inside` with `--location "D:\test"`. But successfully installs without `--location...

@Maicarons It works in Waiting for 1.5 release :cat:

> The bug also affects Windows PowerShell, and switching from the (positionally implied) `-Path` parameter to `-LiteralPath` doesn't make a difference. > > It's not a fundamental problem, however, given...