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Proposal: specs for Maybe, Either, Tuple, Task, ...

Open gcanti opened this issue 8 years ago • 61 comments

Sorry if it was discussed before, after scanning the issues I didn't find anything on the subject.

The motivation comes from the last addition: the spec for chainRec which I find hard to understand

chainRec :: ChainRec m => ((a -> c, b -> c, a) -> m c, a) -> m b

with respect to

class Monad m <= MonadRec m where
  tailRecM :: forall a b. (a -> m (Either a b)) -> a -> m b

Relevant issues


I understand the benefits of not depending on a particular implementation of Either but why fantasy-land doesn't provide a spec for Either in the first place?

For example writing the spec for Unfoldable would be problematic (Maybe AND Tuple)

class Unfoldable t where
  unfoldr :: forall a b. (b -> Maybe (Tuple a b)) -> b -> t a

We have great libraries out there for Maybe, Either, Task, etc... but there's no standard for them.

Would it be a good idea to add specs for these concrete types?

gcanti avatar Oct 18 '16 16:10 gcanti

Just as another example: a spec for Maybe could be used for mapMaybe

rpominov avatar Oct 18 '16 16:10 rpominov

Having used chainRec a few times now, I wish we had used Either.

I'm not totally sold on a whole spec for either as they type should say enough?

SimonRichardson avatar Oct 18 '16 16:10 SimonRichardson

You can use Either and before returning it just do .fold(next, done) on it

About unfoldr it's type could be:

// unfoldr :: (Unfoldable t) => (((a, b) -> c, c, b) -> c) -> b -> t a
List.unfoldr((next, done, x) => x > 100 ? done : next(x*x, x+1), 0)

Also for example sanctuary or folktale could on their own Either and expose this function:

// chainRecWithEither :: (ChainRec m) => (TypRep m, a -> m (Either a r), a) -> m r
const chainRecWithEither = (T,f,i) => T.chainRec(
  (next,done,x) => f(x).map(e => e.fold(next,done)),

Also using Either in chainRec is not a quite good idea imo. For example recently I saw there is an elm module elm-tail-recursion which uses Left as done and Right as next, when in old version of purescript-tailrec Left was used as next and Right as done. In current version of purescript-tailrec we have data Step a b = Loop a | Done b which I think better than Either.

safareli avatar Oct 18 '16 17:10 safareli

Thanks @safareli some food for thought :+1:

SimonRichardson avatar Oct 18 '16 18:10 SimonRichardson

Good point about ambiguous meaning of Left and Right in chainRec. Maybe we could have some general spec that would describe APIs of sum and product types? Something like a spec for daggy's cata method.

rpominov avatar Oct 18 '16 18:10 rpominov

general spec that would describe APIs of sum and product types @rpominov that's much better idea!

Some sketch of ideas:

// Step a b = Loop a | Done b
Step.types = ['Loop', 'Done']
Step.Loop = (a)  => ({ 
  type: Step.types[0], 
  constructor: Step,
  values: { _1: a },
  keys: ['_1'],
Step.Done = (a)  => ({ 
  type: Step.types[1], 
  constructor: Step,
  values: { _1: a },
  keys: ['_1'],

// Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Maybe.types = ['Nothing', 'Just']
Maybe.Just = (a)  => ({ 
  type: Maybe.types[1], 
  constructor: Maybe,
  values: { _1: a },
  keys: ['_1'],
Maybe.Nothing = { 
  type: Maybe.types[0]
  constructor: Maybe,
  values: {},
  keys: [],

// List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
List.types = ['Nil', 'Cons']
List.Cons = (a, b)  => ({ 
  type: List.types[1], 
  constructor: List,
  values: { _1: a, _2: b },
  keys: ['_1', '_2'],
List.Nil = { 
  type: List.types[0],
  constructor: List,
  values: {},
  keys: [],

// Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
Tree.types = ['Empty', 'Leaf', 'Node']
Tree.Node = (a, b, c)  => ({ 
  type: Tree.types[2], 
  constructor: Tree,
  values: { _1: a, _2: b , _3: c },
  keys: ['_1', '_2', '_3'],
Tree.Leaf = (a) => ({ 
  type: Tree.types[1], 
  constructor: Tree,
  values: { _1: a },
  keys: ['_1'],
Tree.Empty = { 
  type: Tree.types[0],
  constructor: Tree,
  values: {},
  keys: [],

using type, keys and values we can implement general fold or cata:

const valuesAsArray = v => {
  let args = []
  for (var i = 0; i < v.keys.length; i++) {
  return args
const fold = (fs, v) => {
  const idx = v.constructor.types.indexOf(v.type)
  if(idx == -1) throw new TypeError('invalid value')

  return fs[idx](...valuesAsArray(v))

const cata = (fs, v) => fs[v.type](...valuesAsArray(v))
// we can also check if `fs` does not contain functions for all `v.constructor.types`
// `keys` from instance could be moved to to Type, e.g.:
// Tree.typeNames = ['Empty', 'Leaf', 'Node']
// Tree.typeKeys = [
//   [],
//   ['_1'],
//   ['_1', '_2', '_3'],
// ]

safareli avatar Oct 18 '16 19:10 safareli

Maybe we could have some general spec that would describe APIs of sum and product types? Something like a spec for daggy's cata method.

Some good comments by @robotlolita and @SimonRichardson on that in

rjmk avatar Oct 18 '16 21:10 rjmk

I'm not sure the spec describing specific data structures is a good idea, but as far as the description of tagged unions goes, something like OCaml's (and Lamdu's) Open Variants may be considered.

robotlolita avatar Oct 19 '16 01:10 robotlolita

Also using Either in chainRec is not a quite good idea imo. For example recently I saw there is an elm module elm-tail-recursion which uses Left as done and Right as next, when in old version of purescript-tailrec Left was used as next and Right as done. In current version of purescript-tailrec we have data Step a b = Loop a | Done b which I think better than Either.

Let me try to provide more motivation for my decision. I've found that if you type tailRec as (a -> Result a b) -> a -> b, (a -> Either a b) -> a -> b, or (a -> Step a b) -> a -> b, then the function is harder to use.

This is especially noticeable in PureScript because the Functor hierarchy works on the last type variable. We also lose most of the benefit of do notation.

If you break the recursion up into smaller functions and try to compose your functions, you end up having to complicate the problem a bit in order for things to line up. This is why go :: (Either Int Int -> Step Boolean (Either Int Int)) here. Compare that to my example here.

If you have (a -> Either b a) -> a -> b then you can rely on do notation pretty nicely:

foo = tailRec go
  go x = do
    y <- bar x
    z <- baz y
    Left ("Barring " <> show x <> " with a bazzed " <> show y <> " gives " <> show z)

Whereas, with (a -> Either a b) -> a -> b you have to jump through some hoops. You can do things explicitly:

foo = tailRec go
  go x =
    case bar x of
      Right b ->
        Right b
      Left y ->
        case baz y of
          Right b ->
            Right b
          Left z ->
            Right ("Barring " <> show x <> " with a bazzed " <> show y <> " gives " <> show z)

But, that's just using Either a b backwards from what we're used to with the Functor hierarchy. If you alpha-rename Right <-> Left, any knowledgeable PureScripter would point you to do-notation. Not to mention that the Functor hierarchy extends to typeclasses like Comonad f, Filterable f, and Traversable f. You could build up a set of combinators for working in the backwards world, but it feels wrong to force a new API on someone rather than building upon what they already know.

As far as Step a b vs Either a b. Step a b currently has a very limited API, so users have to do more wrapping/unwrapping just to get feature parity with Either a b. You have to write a function a -> Either a b and then wrap it in a function Either a b -> Step a b. Doesn't seem like a fair trade-off to impose on the user.

The point I wish to get across is that we don't get much benefit from renaming each value constructor. It might look prettier, but it's also demonstrably more difficult to use. We get a good deal more if you line up the type variables to play better with our Functor hierarchy—no matter what you name the value constructors.

joneshf avatar Oct 19 '16 14:10 joneshf

It pains me that we even have to question whether it's valuable to talk about Either a b. People have shown for decades that it's a useful data type. We use Compose f g a in Traversable t, why not use Either a b in chainRec.

Also, how does this function work:

chainRec :: ChainRec m => ((a -> c, b -> c, a) -> m c, a) -> m b

Where do you get the m b? For that matter, where do you get m c and b?. m must be covariant, since it's in the Functor hierarchy, and the only other b is in negative position. Am I missing something?

joneshf avatar Oct 19 '16 14:10 joneshf

I can't think of any cases where c is not t a b

rjmk avatar Oct 19 '16 15:10 rjmk

I can't think of any cases where c is not t a b

This actually follows from the algebraic types algebra:


So pair of functions b -> a and c -> a is isomorphic to function Either b c -> a.

Not sure if this helps, I just though it's cool to mention 😄

rpominov avatar Oct 19 '16 15:10 rpominov

As always @joneshf you put it way better than me...

SimonRichardson avatar Oct 19 '16 19:10 SimonRichardson

I hope that didn't come off negative. I'm not upset with any of the choices or comments anyone has made.

joneshf avatar Oct 19 '16 20:10 joneshf

I found it very informative 😀

SimonRichardson avatar Oct 19 '16 20:10 SimonRichardson

I think I vote for Church-encoding, because specifying data types seems no different to just providing an implementation. Main problem I see is that lots of data types can not be encoded without talking about existential types, including this case.

It seems like chainRec should look like:

chainRec :: ChainRec m => (a -> m (forall c. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c)) -> a -> m b

puffnfresh avatar Oct 21 '16 12:10 puffnfresh

It seems like chainRec should look like:

chainRec :: ChainRec m => (a -> m (forall c. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c)) -> a -> m b


safareli avatar Oct 21 '16 12:10 safareli

specifying data types seems no different to just providing an implementation

Maybe an interface?

// just a sketch
interface Either<L, R> {
  left<L, R>(left: L): Either<L, R>;
  right<L, R>(right: R): Either<L, R>;
  isLeft(): boolean;
  isRight(): boolean;
  fromLeft(): L;
  fromRight(): R;

gcanti avatar Oct 21 '16 12:10 gcanti

I don't think an interface is a good idea either.

SimonRichardson avatar Oct 21 '16 13:10 SimonRichardson

We would need to have at least interface + some laws I think.

rpominov avatar Oct 21 '16 13:10 rpominov

If we want to represent unions

Union(A, B, C, ...) = A U B U C U ...

and cartesian products

Product(A, B, C, ...) = A x B x C x ...

in a way that can be manipulated by JavaScript, but hiding the concrete implementation, doesn't mean we have to define functions, and then group them in interfaces?

interface Union2<A, B> {
  // constructors
  a(): Union2<A, B>;
  b(): Union2<A, B>;

  isA(): boolean;
  fromA(): A; // fromA(a(x)) = x

  isB(): boolean;
  fromB(): B; // fromB(b(x)) = x

interface Union3<A, B, C> {
  a(): Union3<A, B, C>;
  b(): Union3<A, B, C>;
  c(): Union3<A, B, C>;
  isA(): boolean;
  fromA(): A;
  isB(): boolean;
  fromB(): B;
  isC(): boolean;
  fromC(): C;


interface Product2<A, B> {
  // constructor
  make(a: A, b: B): Product2<A, B>;
  // projections
  prjA(): A; // projA(make(x, y)) = x
  prjB(): B; // projB(make(x, y)) = y


gcanti avatar Oct 21 '16 14:10 gcanti

@gcanti those data-types can be Church-encoded (pedantically, Boehm-Berarducci encoded, if we're using types) meaning they can be represented as functions.

type Maybe a = forall b. b -> (a -> b) -> b
type Either a b = forall c. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c
function nothing(b, f) {
  return b;

function just(a) {
  return function(b, f) {
    return f(a);

function left(a) {
  return function(l, r) {
    return l(a);

function right(b) {
  return function(l, r) {
    return r(b);

// Example
function eitherToMaybe(e) {
  return e(
    function(ignored) { return nothing; },

puffnfresh avatar Oct 21 '16 15:10 puffnfresh

It seems like chainRec should look like:

chainRec :: ChainRec m => (a -> m (forall c. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c)) -> a -> m b

That makes more sense.

joneshf avatar Oct 21 '16 16:10 joneshf

@puffnfresh Yes, and it's a really interesting topic, but my point is (and I understand if you don't agree):

  • those encodings can be hard to understand for newcomers
  • it's a shame there's no standard (and AFAIK easy interop) for all those libraries out there which are related to fantasy-land and contain such common data structures

I'd prefer to not handle Church-encoded data-types in my code, if possible. I'd love to manipulate plain old Maybes, Eithers, etc...

Though maybe I'm off the track and in practice is not a problem at all

gcanti avatar Oct 21 '16 17:10 gcanti

I am in favour of Church/BB encoding. My normal solution to the "unfriendliness" would be to additionally expose friendly helpers, but that seems harder in the case of a spec.

Also, I don't see why you can't have

chainRec :: ChainRec m => (forall c. (a -> c, b -> c, a) -> m c, a) -> m b

and then the forall floats to the left and disappears.

rjmk avatar Oct 21 '16 17:10 rjmk

The forall can't float to the left and disappear. First, higher rank polymorphism doesn't work like that. Second, you need the higher rank polymorphism in order to convert the c into a b.

If you could get rid of it, you'd be tasked with somehow finding a useful function c -> b. and that's impossible assuming your type system is sound.

You can try implementing it in PureScript or Haskell if you'd like to see where it fails. The easiest data type to implement it for would be Identity a.


import Prelude
import Data.Identity

class Bind f <= ChainRec f where
  chainRec :: forall a b c. ((a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> a -> m c) -> a -> m b

instance chainRecIdentity :: ChainRec Identity where


class Monad f => ChainRec f where
    chainRec :: ((a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> a -> m c) -> a -> m b

instance ChainRec Identity where

Or just try to write it in flow/typescript if that's your thing.

joneshf avatar Oct 29 '16 05:10 joneshf

Thanks, Hardy, that's really useful!

First, higher rank polymorphism doesn't work like that.

Can you point me to somewhere to learn about that?

rjmk avatar Oct 29 '16 09:10 rjmk

Looks like I had the quantification rules exactly backwards. I was thinking scopes on the left could be extended across the whole of the right, but scopes on the right could not be extended to the left. This appears to be almost opposite to the actual case (barring name collisions).

I guess I would phrase my understanding of why this happens as "you lose necessary polymorphism if you extend the scope to the right"

rjmk avatar Nov 07 '16 16:11 rjmk

Resurrecting this one.

In @gcanti wrote:

Would it be possible to add a requirement for all ADTs that conform to the Fantasy Land spec that they expose a cata/fold/[adt] method (where [adt] is a lower case version of the name of the ADT)?

I like this idea. I've been toying around with a few interfaces. It seems providing signatures for the data constructors and a folding function is sufficient for lib interop for the cases below:

-- Identity
Identity :: a -> Identity a
identity :: (a -> b) -> Identity a -> b

-- Tuple
Tuple :: a -> b -> Tuple a b
tuple :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tuple a b -> c

-- Maybe
Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b

-- Either
Left :: a -> Either a b
Right :: b -> Either a b
either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c

Conversion functions between libs:

const convertId = A => B => A.identity(B.Identity) ;

const convertTuple = A => B => A.tuple(B.Tuple);

const convertMaybe = A => B => d => A.maybe (B.Nothing) (B.Just);

const convertEither = A => B => A.either (B.Left) (B.Right);

This spec requires that all provided functions are fully curried. In the world of arrow functions, I don't think this is too much to ask.

gabejohnson avatar Jan 07 '18 22:01 gabejohnson

Our specification of the Maybe type in #278 was too prescriptive. It required that every value of type Maybe a have isJust :: Boolean, and that all those values but Nothing also have value :: a.

We then experimented with Church encoding, but this was equally problematic. One could not define List#fantasy-land/compact :: List (Maybe a) ~> () -> List a, for example, without knowing the specifics of the Maybe implementation. @gabejohnson proposed isJust and fromJust functions in, but these required the folding function (maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b) as an argument. The link from a value of type Maybe a to the appropriate folding function was missing.

Specifying that the folding function must live on the type representative would ensure that one can get from m :: Maybe a to maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b via m.constructor.maybe.

Here's a possible implementation of Array#fantasy-land/compact:

//  Array$prototype$compact :: Array (Maybe a) ~> () -> Array a
function Array$prototype$compact() {
  const result = [];
  for (let idx = 0; idx < this.length; idx += 1) {
    const m = this[idx];
    const maybe = m.constructor.maybe;
//                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    if (maybe(false)(x => true)(m)) {
      result.push(maybe(undefined)(x => x)(m));
  return result;

All this assumes is that the type representative provides the maybe function. :)

davidchambers avatar Jan 08 '18 10:01 davidchambers