Results 19 comments of Fatima

Lassser66 > Consider that all the nodes have the same amount of information to share with their neighbors. If node V has more neighbors than node U, then accordingly V...

> Consider that all the nodes have the same amount of information to share with their neighbors. If node V has more neighbors than node U, then accordingly V contributes...

> Please check line 45-48 in "": > model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], > nhid=args.hidden, > nclass=labels.max().item() + 1, > dropout=args.dropout) Dear Jaborie, I appreciate your response. I was wondering do you...

> Note that this repository uses different dataset splits and a slightly different model architecture than in our original paper. For an exact replication of the experiments in our paper,...

> Dear professor, > Hello! > I am very interesting in your recent GCN work. > Thanks for sharing the code, I used the GCN network to run the citeseer...

> Dear professor, Hello! It makes sense that you load the cora dataset this way and construct the adjacency matrix. idx_features_labels = np.genfromtxt("{}{}.content".format(path, dataset), dtype=np.dtype(str)) print(idx_features_labels.shape) features = sp.csr_matrix(idx_features_labels[:, 1:-1],...

> > Hello. I also run the pytorch version GCN on citeseer dataset and the accuracy is 69.65%. Furthermore, the accuracy differed everytime on the cora dataset provided by this...

> Yes, you could simply take a non-symmetric adjacency matrix and normalize with D^(-1)*A instead of D^(-1/2)*A*D^(-1/2). Have a look at this paper for more details: > […](#) >...

> A CGN operates on a non-symmetric adjacency matrix, and therefore is already over a directed graph. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Do you have any idea why in...

> Hi, maybe your code has some problems or nell dataset has some problems. you can refer my code: > [dgl]( The related code path is dgl/python/dgl/data/ The nell dataset...