30-days-of-react-native copied to clipboard
I run it ,but error : Unrecognized font family ‘Ionicons’, How to solve ?
the same.
os 10.12 the same
the same, i just dismiss it manually everytime
the same macOS 10.12.3
正如前面人说的:node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts 把这个文件放到项目里 就可以了 项目正常运行!
copy node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts to your project
这个问题参见 https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons
i got this error too,do the following 1.Close the running packager 2.Run react-native link react-native-vector-icons 3.Then run react-native start --reset-cache 4.Finally run react-native run-ios to restart the simulator see this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38713240/unrecognized-font-family-ionicons