nvim-reload copied to clipboard
Plugin to easily reload your Neovim config
Hi. Good plugin, but i don't understand why when i run `:Reload` [lualine](https://github.com/hoob3rt/lualine.nvim) deletes all of its content until restart. Using packer.nvim nvim-reload's config: ```lua local reload = require('nvim-reload') reload.lua_reload_dirs...
When I have `vim-polyglot` installed via packer: ```lua use 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' ``` And I attempt to run either `Restart` or `Reload`, I get the following error: ``` Error detected while processing...
I've been trying to improve the reload functionality and make it more "flawless". But it still has a plethora of bugs due to Lua modules. Very high chance that this...
to make it easy to read up on it with the need to go to your github repo.
Hey there, nice plugin, exactly what i need, though im having a little trouble. Im using [dein](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim.git) and it has a little bit of a weird policy for folders. As...