bufdelete.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bufdelete.nvim copied to clipboard

Delete Neovim buffers without losing window layout



Neovim's default :bdelete command can be quite annoying, since it also messes up your entire window layout by deleting windows. bufdelete.nvim aims to fix that by providing useful commands that allow you to delete a buffer without messing up your window layout.


  • Neovim >= 0.5

NOTE: The plugin may work on older versions, but I can't test it out myself. So if you use an older Neovim version and the plugin works for you. Please file an issue informing me about your current Neovim version.


use 'famiu/bufdelete.nvim'
Plug 'famiu/bufdelete.nvim'


bufdelete.nvim is quite straightforward to use. It provides two commands, :Bdelete and :Bwipeout. They work similarly to :bdelete and :bwipeout, except they keep your window layout intact. It's also possible to use :Bdelete! or :Bwipeout! to force the deletion. You may also pass a buffer number to either of those two commands to delete that buffer instead of the current one.

There's also two Lua functions provided by bufdelete.nvim, bufdelete and bufwipeout, which do the same thing as their command counterparts. Both of them take two arguments, bufnr and force, where bufnr is the number of the buffer, and force determines whether to force the deletion or not. If bufnr is either 0 or nil, it deletes the current buffer instead.

Here's an example of how to use the functions:

-- Force delete current buffer
require('bufdelete').bufdelete(0, true)

-- Wipeout buffer number 100 without force


By default, when you delete a buffer, bufdelete.nvim switches to the next buffer (wrapping around if necessary) in every window where the target buffer was open. If no buffer other than the target buffer was open, bufdelete.nvim creates an empty buffer and switches to it instead.

User autocommands

bufdelete.nvim triggers the following User autocommands (see :help User for more information):

  • BDeletePre - Prior to deleting a buffer.
  • BDeletePost - After deleting a buffer.


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