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The most advanced MCSR practice mod!
PeepoPractice is a Fabric mod for 1.16.1 to practice splits of a Minecraft Any% speedrun. It includes things such as Bastion split, Fortress split, Stronghold split and more! It's a very lightweight and easy to use mod that can remove drastic amounts time from your average splits in real runs.
Join the Discord to get access to pre-releases, get notified whenever a new update releases, and to see a detailed changelog for said update.
How do I install the mod?
- Install Fabric (download manual installer from, or install through MultiMC or similar launchers).
- Download the latest release from and put it in your mods folder.
- Download the latest SpeedRunIGT from and put it in your mods folder.
How do I make a loadout?
- Select the category you want to play.
- Click "Configure" on the bottom.
- Click "Inventory" and then you can put items in.
You can also copy the inventory from another category that you've already made an inventory for by:
- Click "Copy Inventory" on the inventory config screen.
- Select the category you want to copy the inventory from.
- Click on "Copy".
How do I add enchantments to items in my loadout?
- Select the category you want to Configure.
- Click "Configure" on the bottom.
- Click "Inventory".
- Search for the enchantment you want (the book).
- Click on the enchanted book so you pick it up.
- Whilst holding the book click on the item you want to enchant.
If the item can be enchanted by the selected enchantment book it will be added to the item's enchantments.
How do I get random item count for an item?
- Select the category you want to configure.
- Click "Configure" on the bottom.
- Click "Inventory".
- Hover over an item in your inventory and click the "+" and "-" buttons.
The "+" and "-" buttons on the left side of the slot represent the minimum count of the item.
The ones on the right represent the maximum count of the item.
How do I edit a Shulker Box's contents?
- Select the category you want to configure.
- Click "Configure" on the bottom.
- Click "Inventory".
- Hold "Control" on your keyboard and click on the Shulker Box item.
How do I use random tools?
- Select the category you want to configure.
- Click "Configure" on the bottom.
- Click "Inventory".
- Go to the "Tools" tab (this will be on the bottom of the creative inventory screen).
The tools will be on the bottom row of this item group.
You can also search for them in the "Search" tab.
More info about random tools can be found below.
Random Tools
Random tools are items that you can use to randomize the materials of your tools.
Below are the materials that the random tools can convert into.
- Iron
- Diamond
- Stone
- Iron
- Gold
- Wood
- Stone
- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Iron
- Diamond
- Wood
- Stone
- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Netherite
Custom Categories
- Go to
. This directory will exist if you have started the game with the mod enabled. If it doesn't exist you can create it yourself. - Create a new file with the
file extension. Call it whatever you want. Preferably the ID of the category.
These are all the values you can put in the .json
file to configure your category.
TYPE -> String
DESCRIPTION -> The id of the category. No spaces accepted, only _'s. This value is used to generate the name of the category.
EXAMPLE -> "test_category"
TYPE -> Boolean
DESCRIPTION -> This is to control the "You haven't configured an inventory" error.
EXAMPLE -> false
TYPE -> Boolean
DESCRIPTION -> This is to hide the category from the list.
EXAMPLE -> false
TYPE -> Array (3 members)
DESCRIPTION -> The first 3 values in the array are used as the xyz position for the world spawn.
EXAMPLE -> [200, 62, -20]
TYPE -> Array (2 members)
DESCRIPTION -> The first 2 values in the array are used as the yaw and pitch for the world spawn angle.
EXAMPLE -> [90, -45]
TYPE -> Entity ID
DESCRIPTION -> The entity type used for the vehicle of the player when they spawn in.
EXAMPLE -> "minecraft:pig"
TYPE -> Array
DESCRIPTION -> A list of commands that get run when the player joins the world. (Server console permissions)
EXAMPLE -> ["kill @a"]
TYPE -> Status Effect ID
DESCRIPTION -> The effect that gets applied to the player.
EXAMPLE -> "minecraft:fire_resistance"
TYPE -> Integer
DESCRIPTION -> The amplifier of the effect.
TYPE -> Integer
DESCRIPTION -> How long the effect lasts. (In ticks)
EXAMPLE -> 1000
DESCRIPTION -> An array of potion effects that get applied to the player whenever they spawn in.
EXAMPLE -> [{...}, {...}]
DESCRIPTION -> These are values to control the player for this category.
EXAMPLE -> {...}
TYPE -> Array
TYPE -> Structure Feature ID
DESCRIPTION -> The ID of the structure. (Same as /locate)
EXAMPLE -> "bastion_remnant"
TYPE -> Array (2 members)
DESCRIPTION -> The first 2 values of the array are used as the x and z chunk coordinates of the structure.
EXAMPLE -> [2, 5]
TYPE -> Direction ("north", "south", "west", "east")
DESCRIPTION -> The orientation for the structure face in. This is only relevant for structures that do not use structure NBT files.
EXAMPLE -> "south"
TYPE -> BlockRotation ("none", "clockwise_90", "clockwise_180", "counterclockwise_90")
DESCRIPTION -> The rotation of the structure. This is only relevant for structures using structure NBT files.
EXAMPLE -> "clockwise_90"
TYPE -> Integer
DESCRIPTION -> This is to control the top Y position of the structure and its children. If it is above the specified value, the structure gets translated down.
TYPE -> Boolean
DESCRIPTION -> This is to control if the structure can NATURALLY generate. This doesn't include the structure being generated if you specified "chunk_pos".
EXAMPLE -> false
DESCRIPTION -> This is an array of structure properties.
EXAMPLE -> [{...}, {...}]
TYPE -> World Type ("overworld", "nether", "end")
DESCRIPTION -> This is to control the dimension that gets generated, and where the world's spawn is in.
EXAMPLE -> "nether"
TYPE -> Boolean
DESCRIPTION -> This controls whether or not spawn chunks are disabled. Spawn chunks are a set of chunks around the world spawn that are always loaded.
EXAMPLE -> true
TYPE -> Array
TYPE -> Biome ID
DESCRIPTION -> The biome to not generate within the specified range. If this biome tried to generate in the nether it replaces it with "nether_wastes". In the overworld it replaces it with "plains".
EXAMPLE -> "minecraft:desert"
TYPE -> Biome ID
DESCRIPTION -> The biome the removed biome gets replaced with.
EXAMPLE -> "minecraft:plains"
TYPE -> Integer
DESCRIPTION -> The range of which the specified biome should not be generated in. This is calculated in a circle and is centered around the world origin (0, 0). These are BLOCKS and NOT CHUNKS.
EXAMPLE -> 200
TYPE -> Array of World Type ("overworld", "nether", "end")
DESCRIPTION -> The dimension that the biome manipulation gets limited to.
EXAMPLE -> ["overworld", "nether"]
DESCRIPTION -> Replaces the specified biomes with another in their specified ranges.
EXAMPLE -> [{...}, {...}]
TYPE -> Array
TYPE -> Biome ID
DESCRIPTION -> The biome to force generate in the specified range.
EXAMPLE -> "minecraft:nether_wastes"
TYPE -> Integer
DESCRIPTION -> The range of which the specified biome should be generated in. This is calculated in a circle and is centered around the world origin (0, 0). These are BLOCKS and NOT CHUNKS.
EXAMPLE -> 200
TYPE -> Array of World Type ("overworld", "nether", "end")
DESCRIPTION -> The dimension that the biome manipulation gets limited to.
EXAMPLE -> ["overworld", "nether"]
DESCRIPTION -> Forcibly generates the specified biomes in their specified ranges.
EXAMPLE -> [{...}, {...}]
TYPE -> Difficulty Type ("peaceful", "easy", "normal", "hard")
DESCRIPTION -> The difficulty that the world gets created with.
EXAMPLE -> "easy"
(This part will be a little bit different, as each split event has their own custom values.)
TYPE -> SplitEvent
DESCRIPTION -> This is the event that the game listens to to end the timer and save the completion.
TYPE -> World Type ("overworld", "nether", "end")
DESCRIPTION -> The NEW dimension of the player that the game should check for.
EXAMPLE -> "end"
DESCRIPTION -> This triggers when the player enters the specified dimension.
EXAMPLE -> {...}
TYPE -> Entity Type
DESCRIPTION -> The entity the player enters as a vehicle.
EXAMPLE -> "minecart"
TYPE -> Boolean
DESCRIPTION -> Whether or not the player keeps the item after placing the vehicle.
EXAMPLE -> true
DESCRIPTION -> This triggers whenever the player enters a vehicle.
EXAMPLE -> {...}
TYPE -> Advancement Type
DESCRIPTION -> The path of the advancement the game should check for. The paths for these can be found in the game's data files.
EXAMPLE -> "nether/find_fortress"
DESCRIPTION -> This triggers whenever the player gets the specified advancement.
EXAMPLE -> {...}
TYPE -> LootTable Type
DESCRIPTION -> The path of the Loottable the game should check for. The paths for these can be found in the game's data files.
EXAMPLE -> chests/buried_treasure
TYPE -> Boolean
DESCRIPTION -> If it triggers when the chest closes. (Default is false)
DESCRIPTION -> This triggers whenever the player opens a container attached to a block entity that has a loot table connected to it.
EXAMPLE -> {...}
TYPE -> Item ID
DESCRIPTION -> The ID of the item that is thrown as a projectile entity.
EXAMPLE -> "minecraft:ender_pearl"
DESCRIPTION -> This triggers whenever the player throws a projectile.
EXAMPLE -> {...}