Hmmm no luck so far. It appears the problem image has its src and srcSet prepended with data.... but why does it work on chrome/Firefox and iOS IF lazy load...
Not yet, I hoped that the ios15 update would enable lazy load but it didn't so still bugged
Oh yeah I didn't update this issue thread... the issue is lazy load on ios15, if you unable lacy load under experimental features the problem is solved
Here is how to enable https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/713449/134927370-62a3b4ff-d933-4edc-8113-e234db0091bf.mov
Oh I was linking the video so you could see how it works if this feature is on and maybe it would help spark some insights into the cause of...
Did the company behind apollo fail or something? This feels like a fairly critical bug. You call a mutation, it hits a network error as a part of that mutation...
No problem cheers
Wow sad to see this unnoticed. This was the first google for dns01 exec plugin cloudflare so if I find either a repo with this code or another implementation which...
After research I came to this conclusion too. Cheers