I get the same error in my log file
looks like the latest version is working. thanks Falcon
Sobe1205 I was able to get it working by: 1. downloading the version in this thread 2. changing the INI Setting "Save_Debug_Images = true" 3. Run as admin 4. Started...
F18 From: sobe1205 Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 8:26 AM To: Santi871/DCSWaypointEditor Cc: falcon76 ; Author Subject: Re: [Santi871/DCSWaypointEditor] Running DCS open beta - Unable to Capture F10 Waypoint -...
Thanks for the heads up. From: JohnyJack01 Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 3:33 PM To: Santi871/DCSWaypointEditor Cc: falcon76 ; Author Subject: Re: [Santi871/DCSWaypointEditor] Running DCS open beta - Unable to...