npTuioClient copied to clipboard
stopped working under mac os 10.9.5 with chrome 40
still works in latest firefox under mac os 10.9.5
Same here, doesn't work on OS X 10.10.2 with Chrome 40.0.2214.115
I installed the plugins but I couldn't load it in my web page...
I was having issues with Chrome 43 on Mac OS 10.9.5. Since Firefox is not an option for what I'm doing, I did the following:
- Deleted Google Chrome
- Downloaded Chrome 39.0.2171.95 from here:
- Installed Chrome 39
- Immediately ran the following in Terminal (which prevents Chrome from updating): defaults write checkInterval 0
- Opened Chrome
With UPDD TUIO running as well as the Tempermonkey chrome browser extension installed and running, I was able to successfully use touch events in Chrome again.
It's definitely not a fix, just a work around. Has anyone tried anything else? @fajran any idea what the issue might be with this, could it be a quick fix maybe?
Hi all,
npTuioClient uses NPAPI which is being deprecated and will be removed in Chrome. So I don't think there is a "quick fix" for this. According to the ([NPAPI deprecation] page, as of Chrome 45 (c.a. September 2015), the NPAPI support will be removed from Chrome.
Current version of Chrome still have NPAPI although it is disabled by default. Could you try to enable it and test npTuioClient? Go to chrome://flags/#enable-npapi and click the enable link.
@tory does npTuioClient work with Firefox?