Fabulous copied to clipboard
cleaned up some of the unnecessary code and added a getter method to get is the button is showing or not. Also there is a bug fix for if you...
I suggest renaming color to colorBackground.
I'm confused about this! it is not working.. any help please?
Currently there stands no way to use this with the new Recycler View and have the FAB hide itself upon a scroll using "attachToListView"
I'm trying to move the button programmatically, which works fine, but I'm running into an issue when querying getLocationOnScreen(). The returning values appear to be off by half of the...
There's an error in the library right inside the `onTouchEvent` method. It always jumps into the else-clause, because of this the Button is always tinted with the darkened color. **Fix:**...
I have two drawables as seen below, i'd LOVE to animate them by rotating the + and cross fading the X, is something like this possible? http://share.joescott.me/5826864.jpg http://share.joescott.me/405b.jpg
I get an error saying: Error:(3, 0) Could not find property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION' on project ':FloatingActionButton'. I can't find a fix for it, what do I do? I tried the closed...
The Floating Action Button disappears when we scroll up and down fast. To reproduce this behaviour, simply add more items in the sample application and scroll down. Before the scroll...
I can't create Fab runtime...is it supported?