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Crazyflie Nano C++ Client Library
Hi, I'm trying to link against the library but I'm having some trouble during compilation with a makefile. I believe the issue is that its not link the libusb-1.0 library...
Hello: First very appreciate that you created such an excellent lib and it indeed help me alot. Because I am not recieve my Crazyflies yet, so I cannot test your...
Hello I am newbie in crazyflie2. I built your code in windows and it works in mainly. But I have a trouble with setting thrust from program. I do the...
Hi, i followed "How to build the library from source" and everything was fine. No cmake warnings, no build errors. The examples in /bin worked. But in my IDE (CodeBlocks),...
Hi there, while using the library, I wondered that I get the IMU data at only 10 Hz. In contrast, the python library received data at 100 Hz. My inspections...
Hi, 1st of all great job with the library! I have been trying to use your library but I can't seem to get the ex-gui example to work properly. When...
I made some basic changes