Stefano Cotterli
Stefano Cotterli
This is really a blocking issue for me, I cannot use a TimeSpan column because I get a "string format exception" when I try to view or edit a grid...
I do this type of dropdown using `RenderCrudComponentAs` It displays an `` field where you enter a SearchTerm to populate the `dropdown` searching for values contaings SearchTerm. If you want...
To use my component I insert in class `ColumnCollections` something like this: ``` c# private static Func exprIdTown = (s) => { return s.IdTownNavigation == null ? "" : s.IdTownNavigation?.Nome;...
sorry, indeed I forget this **RemoteDropDownComponent.razor** ````c# @typeparam T @typeparam V .row > div.col-md-10 > div.card.panel.panel-default { border: none } .row > div.col-md-10 > div.card.panel.panel-default > div.card-body.panel-body { padding: 0px;...
can't write on your repo see my fork updated here:
same here, from Jan 10th
you can do this using getters and setters, like this: `` $(window).on('resize', function () { var width = $("#mybook").booklet("option", "width"); $("#mybook").booklet("option", "height", width*10/16); }); ``
if the exception comes from a Controller the log is performed correctly: ``` public class TestController : Controller { public IActionResult Index() { throw new InvalidOperationException("Test"); //return View(); } }...
May be I fixed this issue setting on line 285 of GarminConnect.php: ` $strResponse = $this->objConnector->post( '',` instead of `''`. But now I got the error: > [critical] Error thrown...
great @Raistlfiren now it works fine, thanks!