line-py copied to clipboard
Yesterday I found my line Account , just using line-py login and it's banned that can't send message. So I using vpn to change my IP ,but it's not working (I already used a new line account) . My codes didn't show any error. I can't find the problems.
So maybe Line changed their rules. Has anyone had this problems? or it's just my code problems? Does anyone have the solution?
Account Regulatory Check this
@lintangtimur Thank you for giving. But I just create a new account , Not using the line-py ,it can send message. When I using line-py to login. It will be ban immediately.
I found the one solution, it have to login once on PC. After that can use program to login. But it seem like timeliness. So it's not real solution. Method for transition period. I think need to find a way to be fake Line PC version.
Has anyone can sendMessage now?
Line did an update that msg banned almost every bot out there , also kickban and invite ban occur
Use Chromeos, you can sendMessage
@HelloTan You means this?
APP_TYPE = ApplicationType._VALUES_TO_NAMES[368]
But I use this that can't sendMessage. Banned
You must use fresh account, and same Version App = 2.1.5 @dingconceal
yes, I create a new account . But it't the same situation.
Can you share your ?
Due to the email address was also baned on server side, sometime register a new email account, all server side features may work again.
@dingconceal maybe you should make human simulator using delay, add some random timeout each action when chatting like random 10-2000 ms before next action. so, line won't detect your account as bot