I have loaded ng-lottie in app.module shared module for server and browser if i only loaded it to the browser module i see an error on the html that lottie...
I know that limitations. i have in my AppComponent selector . the SpinnerComponent used ng2-lottie for create the anumation for loader in our app. If i dont add the ng-lottie...
I have tried this code: >const domino = require('domino'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '.', 'dist', 'index.html')).toString(); const win = domino.createWindow(template); global['window'] =...
I tried your template but still now working. I see the error message in html "window is not defined" I put domino at the top of boot.server.ts I do something...
Is it possible to load ng-lottie only inside the component in condition I'm in browser without loaded it on the module?
I have the same problem with Stateful , the accessory button stays on
Thank you for replay. As soon as I restart the bridge everything is fixed. Only after a few sessions it stops working. I didn't pay attention to the specific scenario....
I have the problem again but now I have logs: 10:08:45HomeTuyaPlatformWARNING[TuyaOpenMQ] Message received with wrong order. 16/12/2022, 10:08:45HomeTuyaPlatformWARNING[TuyaOpenMQ] LastMessage: dataId = cc537583-211b-4139-b13b-b0b3b1f38673, t = 1671178125 16/12/2022, 10:08:45HomeTuyaPlatformWARNING[TuyaOpenMQ] CurrentMessage: dataId =...
I have fiber mesh network. When I run from the tuya app everything works. Maybe it's something else in accessing the api. All my switch works well I only have...