vim-FIGlet copied to clipboard
FIGlet plugin for vim
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I cannot thank Suraj N. Kurapati enough for submitting a patch that sets the '[ and '] marks around the FIGlet-ified text. Thank you for your great work. If it weren't for you there wouldn't be a version 3.0!
This plugin requires that the fully awesome program `figlet' be installed on your system.
If you're on Windows, hope is not lost. There is a figlet port for MS-DOS here: Be sure to specify the font directory in your _vimrc through the g:filgetOpts variable.
FIGlet for MS-DOS is an old program, so you should make sure that your font files conform to FAT-16 style 8.3 filenames, and don't use fancy paths with spaces:
let g:figletFontDir = 'C:\PROGRA~1\FIGLET\FONTS'
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If figlet fails to run, your original text is put back w/o messing up your undo history too much (you can still redo to the oopsie).
:FIGlet command accepts a range, of lines and has completion. Hit tab after typing the -f switch to list available fonts. Get a lot of fonts at
Ex. Render lines 1 through 7 in the tengwar font: :1,7FIGlet -f tengwar
Ex. Render the visual selection in the doom font, centered in 90 columns: '<,'>FIGlet -w 90 -c -f doom
Width is inferred from your 'textwidth' (except on Windows with the DOS build of figlet, as noted above).
The :FIGletFontDemo command will show you a sample of each font installed in your font directory. By default this command will render each font eponymously, or you may specify a snippet of text to render so as to allow comparison between fonts.
Ex. See what the word "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" looks like in each font: :FIGletFontDemo Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
The g@ operator takes all of the chosen text (selected with motion commands or text-objects) and puts it all into the same paragraph. the :FIGlet command works one line at a time. It makes a difference when rendering text like this:
:FIGlet outputs:
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g@ instead outputs:
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