
Results 25 comments of fade2gray

Despite my earlier comment, I have just discovered that I can't create bookmarks in a file stored anywhere other than on the C:\ drive - not on a different partition...

I don't have access to Windows 11, but this worked for me on Windows 10. 1. Install MT v1.0.2. 2. Copy and save `C:\Program Files\MenuTools\helper.exe`. 3. Export the `MenuTools Task...

I think you might consider Menutools as abandonware - don't know if this might help you though #18.

You are not escaping the periods between the octets. `/45.88.138.([1-9]?\d|[12]\d\d)/` should be `/45\.88\.138\.([1-9]?\d|[12]\d\d)/`

This works in regex101 `45\.88\.138\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\b` https://regex101.com/r/ZsGKvs/1

You may as well throw in an option linking to RegEx101 while you're at it. `BIG WINK`

Just a thought, if you create your script using a blank editor tab and then click the debug button, you are prompted to save the script - the default name...

Works for me. You are using `F9` to initiate debugging and stepping through with `F11`?

I also find this frustrating, that the indentation, included in the copied code is removed when pasted after a hotkey or label, but I do find that if you perform...

I think most users of AutoHotkey Plus Plus use the vscode-autohotkey-debug extension by zero-plusplus.