ethereum-spiking icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ethereum-spiking copied to clipboard

The send button in 2-interacting-with-a-contract does not work

Open JingQian1996 opened this issue 5 years ago • 0 comments

It should be changed into the following lines in line 138 of bundle.js // Every time we click the send button, we will (0, _jquery2.default)('#send').click(function () { var buyingAmount = (0, _jquery2.default)('#sending-amount').val(); var buyerAddress = (0, _jquery2.default)('#recipient-address').val(); var sellerAddress = (0, _jquery2.default)('#sender-address').val(); var contractAddress = (0, _jquery2.default)('#contract-address').val();

JingQian1996 avatar Jul 18 '19 08:07 JingQian1996