Facundo Quiroga
Facundo Quiroga
Use the samples in the assets/samples to add a menu for loading sample programs. Using https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24996437/how-to-execute-a-bash-script-as-sbt-task, generate a javascript file with the list of filenames inside assets/samples. Load that list...
Add a separate UI (below the mainboard?) to display the status of the devices, and to allow the user to enter keys.
Implement IN/OUT instructions add devices to simulator (PIO, printer, pic, handshake, dmac)
Currently using the default assembly x86 highlighter that Ace editor provides; it misses some instructions like jump, jc, jnc, EQU, etc, and allows other such as eax. Use Ace's mode...
On the instructions, the tooltip shows the instruction, its encoding, an explanation of how to encode, and higlights the byte selected. On variable definitions, it shows the instruction that generated...
Add screen and keyboard devices. implement int N instruction
For example, if `mov var,ax` is executed, scroll to the address of the var variable and highlight it and its value. Also, the `ax` register should be highlighted.
Don't allow it for IO memory stuff because of synchronization issues with the devices. The modification should be equivalent to a mov register/memory, immediate value (this should be executed in...
Right now, the execution model works instruction by instruction. Allow each instruction to generate a list of *microcode* instructions to perform cycle by cycle execution. In each cycle only one...
For example, use a base64 encoded string to represent the program in a get param.