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Vue typescript class component decorators

Results 8 vue-facing-decorator issues
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Not getting prop intellisense: ![image]( Tried with normal `` without using vue-facing-decorator and I then get intellisense: ![image]( components/HelloWorld.vue with vue-facing-decorator: ```vue import { Vue, Component, Prop, Emit, } from...

I suggest renaming the library to a clear name that says what it is about. vue-oop is already taken. So maybe: 1. vue-oop-component 2. vue-component-oop 3. vue-oop-decorator 4. voop 5....

我发现,在父类的 @Props ,在子类不重复声明,就拿不到。 案例如下: ```typescript interface Props { panelModel: IPanelModel } @ComponentBase({}) class ExampleExtends extends TSX()(Vue) implements Props { public foo = number; public bar = number; @Prop({ required: true...

Sometimes we don't need all of the class properties to be transformed to Vue data. Actually, I'm in trouble with three.js. When I define a Scene as a class property(It's...

![Screenshot from 2024-03-20 22-08-30]( Things are working nicely, but the IDE cannot see the class properties - see attached. Is there any support for this?

Simple Example Repo: In the provided example repository, I've created a parent and a child component using both the vue-facing-decorator and Vue's Composition API (setup). In the child component,...

In this PR I add the TS interfaces for the hooks. More detailed description can be found here:

Hello! I would like to propose some improvements to this library which in my opinion would enhance the DX. Consider the following code of component: ```ts class MyComponent extends Vue...