Isaac Muse
Isaac Muse
@ultrabug I'm not sure I understand the question. Can you break this down for me?
Emoji is an inline processor. These get run before tree processors. 1. Preprocessor 2. Block Processor 3. Inline Processor 4. Tree Processor 5. Post Processor
Python Markdown allows you to specify special labels if you need to control exactly what is used for TOC etc.:
If you are hoping for TOC to accept some way to exclude specific syntax, you will probably be disappointed. It should not have knowledge of specific (especially 3rd party) extensions....
The HCT color model is just the CAM16 color model paired with CIE Lab lightness. It can support P3 and Rec. 2020 because CAM16 and CIE Lab can support these...
As someone who has experimented with HCT and OkLCh in this area recently. HCT specifically uses CIE Lab lightness to give a better perceptual lightness difference. OkLCh does poorly in...
This is stated as non-zero values, `oklab(0 0 0)` would be a zero value return. This is also comparing 32 bit values, but JS is using 64 bit values. Considering...
I don't know their document system well enough to debug. If it had been a clear issue originating from the color library, I would have spent more time looking at...
The issue seems to be the CORS error. Running chrome as below fixed the issue. ``` open /Applications/Google\ --args --user-data-dir="/var/tmp/chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials ``` Safari did not seem to have...
Ok, that explains it. I was trying to figure out what changed.