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Question about loading semantic annotation in HM3D Dataset

Open maengjemo opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

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Did you read the docs? https://aihabitat.org/docs/habitat-sim/ yes Did you check out the tutorials? https://aihabitat.org/tutorial/2020/ yes Perhaps your question is answered there. If not, carry on!

❓ Questions and Help

I wonder is there any problem loading semantic annotation this way.

According to the example of MP3D dataset https://colab.research.google.com/github/facebookresearch/habitat-sim/blob/v0.1.6/examples/tutorials/colabs/ECCV_2020_Navigation.ipynb

I loaded config file habitat-lab/data/scene_datasets/hm3d/hm3d_annotated_basis.scene_dataset_config.json and chose test scene habitat-lab/data/scene_datasets/hm3d/minival/00800-TEEsavR23oF/TEEsavR23oF.basis.glb

The output of function print_scene_recur returns House has 0 levels, 14 regions and 661 objects House center:[0. 0. 0.] dims:[-inf -inf -inf] and all of the object's names were Unknown_{int}. It assumed scene annotation is not loaded well.

The tutorial MP3D example was worked well. Is there any point I missed?

-- here is full code of my current state

import habitat_sim
backend_cfg = habitat_sim.SimulatorConfiguration()
backend_cfg.scene_id = "/data/scene_datasets/hm3d/minival/00800-TEEsavR23oF/TEEsavR23oF.basis.glb"
backend_cfg.scene_dataset_config_file = "/data/scene_datasets/hm3d/minival/hm3d_annotated_minival_basis.scene_dataset_config.json"

sem_cfg = habitat_sim.CameraSensorSpec()
sem_cfg.uuid = "semantic"
sem_cfg.sensor_type = habitat_sim.SensorType.SEMANTIC

agent_cfg = habitat_sim.agent.AgentConfiguration()
agent_cfg.action_space = {
    "move_forward": habitat_sim.agent.ActionSpec(
        "move_forward", habitat_sim.agent.ActuationSpec(amount=0.25)
    "turn_left": habitat_sim.agent.ActionSpec(
        "turn_left", habitat_sim.agent.ActuationSpec(amount=30.0)
    "turn_right": habitat_sim.agent.ActionSpec(
        "turn_right", habitat_sim.agent.ActuationSpec(amount=30.0)
agent_cfg.sensor_specifications = [sem_cfg]

sim_cfg = habitat_sim.Configuration(backend_cfg, [agent_cfg])
sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(sim_cfg)

def print_scene_recur(scene, limit_output=10):
    print(f"House has {len(scene.levels)} levels, {len(scene.regions)} regions and {len(scene.objects)} objects")
    print(f"House center:{scene.aabb.center} dims:{scene.aabb.sizes}")
    count = 0
    for level in scene.levels:
            f"Level id:{level.id}, center:{level.aabb.center},"
            f" dims:{level.aabb.sizes}"
        for region in level.regions:
                f"Region id:{region.id}, category:{region.category.name()},"
                f" center:{region.aabb.center}, dims:{region.aabb.sizes}"
            for obj in region.objects:
                    f"Object id:{obj.id}, category:{obj.category.name()},"
                    f" center:{obj.aabb.center}, dims:{obj.aabb.sizes}"
                count += 1
                if count >= limit_output:
                    return None
scene = sim.semantic_scene

maengjemo avatar Apr 19 '23 09:04 maengjemo

Hey @jemo-mh This is working for me locally. I am seeing a large number of unknown colorings for this scene, but I believe they are isolated vertex groups missed by the paint. I've attached a file TEEsavR23oF.basis_CC_report.csv which shows the semantic report of the scene.

To get this I ran the viewer.cpp application like:

./build/viewer --dataset data/scene_datasets/hm3d/minival/hm3d_annotated_minival_basis.scene_dataset_config.json -- data/scene_datasets/hm3d/minival/00800-TEEsavR23oF/TEEsavR23oF.basis.glb

and then pressed the 'j' key to generate the report. You should be able to repeat this locally and get the same result.

Edit: if you don't get this result we can dig further into what the issue may be. As a related note, you should see a directory structure for the scene like: image

aclegg3 avatar May 18 '23 15:05 aclegg3

Same problem for me. Pls post here if any luck.

ZetaRing avatar Sep 20 '23 15:09 ZetaRing