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Questions about use replicaCAD
Habitat-Sim version
v0.2.2 Hi there! I am using MP3D datasets and my code is ` test_scene = "home/yaofeng/PycharmProjects/habitat/testscene/scene_datasets/hm3d-val-habitat/00885-dVW2D7TDctW/dVW2D7TDctW.basis.glb" agent_num = 2 rgb_sensor = True
sim_settings = {
"width": 256, # Spatial resolution of the observations
"height": 256,
"scene": test_scene, # Scene path
"default_agent": 0,
"sensor_height": 1.5, # Height of sensors in meters
"color_sensor": rgb_sensor, # RGB sensor
"depth_sensor": depth_sensor, # Depth sensor
"semantic_sensor": semantic_sensor, # Semantic sensor
"seed": 1, # used in the random navigation
"enable_physics": False, # kinematics only
and I found that the frame is not very clear
So I decided to use replicaCAD and I also found someone asked the same question about how to use this dataset
I mean that if I use this replicaCAD all I need to change is to change the test_scene like
test_scene = "/home/yaofeng/PycharmProjects/habitat/data/replica_cad/replicaCAD.scene_dataset_config.json --scene apt_1"
Because I have already use MP3D for testing mulitiagent cooperation which I mean the way you shown on colab is common to replicaCAD datasets.
And another question for python viewer.
I test replicaCAD like you shown
python examples/viewer.py --dataset /home/yaofeng/PycharmProjects/habitat/replica_cad/replicaCAD.scene_dataset_config.json --scene apt_1
and it rise
Traceback (most recent call last): File "examples/viewer.py", line 27, in <module> class HabitatSimInteractiveViewer(Application): File "examples/viewer.py", line 719, in HabitatSimInteractiveViewer def exit_event(self, event: Application.ExitEvent): AttributeError: type object '_magnum.platform.glfw.Application' has no attribute 'ExitEvent'
I don't know whats' wrong? Can someone help me.Thanks!
Hey, @yaofeng11
I found that the frame is not very clear
You are specifying a 256x256 image resolution for the render here. If you want a clearer image, you should use a higher resolution.
I test replicaCAD like you shown python examples/viewer.py --dataset /home/yaofeng/PycharmProjects/habitat/replica_cad/replicaCAD.scene_dataset_config.json --scene apt_1
This works for me locally, so maybe you're on an old version or have some system specific issue?
Does the C++ viewer (./build/viewer
) work for you?
Have you tried re-installing main
branch from source in a fresh conda environment, downloading the most recent ReplicaCAD, and then running the viewer?