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Same index fits to GPU memory with faiss-gpu 1.6.5 but not with 1.7.4
I use NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti for the below experiments.
Using faiss-gpu 1.6.5, I was able to store 56M vectors to an IVFPQ index using the code below. The GPU memory was utilized 6903MiB / 11264MiB. We can see that the memory is not even full.
When I updated to 1.7.4 and run the same code on same data. The data can not fit to the memory and I get the following error.
1.6.5 is installed from conda
1.7.4 is Installed from: conda install -c pytorch -c nvidia faiss-gpu=1.7.4 mkl=2021 blas=1.0=mkl
Running on:
- [ ] CPU
- [x ] GPU
- [ ] C++
- [x ] Python
Reproduction instructions
` n_centroids = 256 code_sz = 64 # power of 2 nbits = 8 # nbits must be 8, 12 or 16, The dimension d should be a multiple of M.
N, d = train_data_shape
quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) index_ivf = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, d, n_centroids, code_sz, nbits)
GPU_OPTIONS = faiss.GpuClonerOptions() GPU_OPTIONS.useFloat16 = True # use float16 table to avoid https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss/issues/1178
GPU_RESOURCES = faiss.StandardGpuResources() # Use a single GPU index_ivf = faiss.index_cpu_to_gpu(GPU_RESOURCES, 0, index_ivf, GPU_OPTIONS)
index_ivf.train(train_data) index_ivf.add(train_data) index_ivf.nprobe = nprobe `
RuntimeError: Error in virtual void* faiss::gpu::StandardGpuResourcesImpl::allocMemory(const faiss::gpu::AllocRequest&) at /home/circleci/miniconda/conda-bld/faiss-pkg_1681998300314/work/faiss/gpu/StandardGpuResources.cpp:452: Error: 'err == cudaSuccess' failed: StandardGpuResources: alloc fail type IVFLists dev 0 space Device stream 0xfcdf480 size 54607872 bytes (cudaMalloc error out of memory [2])
Any idea what might changed so drastically? How can I fit the same data?
Update: I could use 1.7.2 without the above issues, so the error should be related to a change after this version.