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Experimental scripts for researching data adaptive learning rate scheduling.

Adaptive Learning Rate Scheduling by Refinement

Scripts for replicating the visualization plots in the paper "When, Why and How Much? Adaptive Learning Rate Scheduling by Refinement".

Please cite as:

title={When, Why and How Much? Adaptive Learning Rate Scheduling by Refinement},
author={Aaron Defazio and Ashok Cutkosky and Harsh Mehta and Konstantin Mishchenko},

Refinement method

The find_closed_form_schedule function in the implements the gradient norm to weight mapping.

The filtering with a median filter can be done using scipy's scipy.ndimage.median_filter implementation. Some care is needed to handle the padding:

    filter_width = 2*(int(sigma2*nvals)//2) + 1
    pad = 2*filter_width
    gnorms_filtered2 = median_filter(np.pad(gnorms, (0, pad), mode='reflect'), size=filter_width, mode='nearest')[:-pad]


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