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Self-Feeding Chat bot Bug Whilst Interaction
There are two issues:
- Every two messages, the bot replies with: [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? no matter what I say. Is this a bug or is this intended?
- Whenever I try the [DONE] command, the issue below pops up.
I used the pretrained model and trained my own model, both gave same results
Training command: python examples/ -t self_feeding:all --model-file /tmp/mymodel4 -ltim 5 -vtim 10 -vp 50 -m projects.self_feeding.self_feeding_agent:SelfFeedingAgent -cands batch --eval-candidates inline -histsz 2 --embedding-type fasttext_cc --embedding-size 300 --dict-maxtokens 250000 --num-epochs 500 --optimizer adamax --embeddings-scale false -bs 128 --relu-dropout 0 --attention-dropout 0 --n-heads 2 --n-layers 2 -lr 0.0025 --ffn-size 32 --lr-scheduler invsqrt --warmup-updates 500 --dia-train train_hh131k_hb60k.txt -vmt dia_acc -vmm max
Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
python projects/self_feeding/ --model-file /tmp/mymodel4 --no-cuda --request-feedback true
[ warning: overriding opt['interactive'] to True (previously: False )]
[ warning: overriding opt['interactive_task'] to True (previously: None )]
[ warning: overriding opt['prev_response_filter'] to True (previously: False )]
[ warning: overriding opt['partial_load'] to True (previously: False )]
[ warning: overriding opt['eval_candidates'] to fixed (previously: inline )]
[ warning: overriding opt['fixed_candidates_path'] to /home/~/ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt (previously: None )]
[ warning: overriding opt['no_cuda'] to True (previously: False )]
[ warning: overriding opt['request_feedback'] to True (previously: False )]
[ Setting interactive mode defaults... ]
Dictionary: loading dictionary from /tmp/mymodel4.dict
[ num words = 25141 ]
[SelfFeeding: full interactive mode on.]
Initialized embeddings for 23672 tokens (94.2%) from fasttext_cc.
Initialized embeddings for 23672 tokens (94.2%) from fasttext_cc.
Initialized embeddings for 23672 tokens (94.2%) from fasttext_cc.
Total parameters: 18,298,093 (17,376,493 trainable)
Loading existing model parameters from /tmp/mymodel4
[ Loading fixed candidate set from /home/~/ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt ]
[ Loading fixed candidate set vectors from /tmp/mymodel4.convai2_cands.vecs ]
[ Loading fixed candidate set encodings from /tmp/mymodel4.convai2_cands.encs ]
UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='sum' instead.
[creating task(s): parlai.agents.local_human.local_human:LocalHumanAgent]
Enter [DONE] if you want to end the episode, [EXIT] to quit.
[ optional arguments: ]
[ share_word_embeddings: True ]
[ Main ParlAI Arguments: ]
[ batchsize: 128 ]
[ datapath: /home/~/ParlAI/data ]
[ datatype: train ]
[ download_path: /home/~/ParlAI/downloads ]
[ dynamic_batching: None ]
[ hide_labels: False ]
[ image_mode: raw ]
[ init_opt: None ]
[ multitask_weights: [1] ]
[ numthreads: 1 ]
[ show_advanced_args: False ]
[ task: self_feeding:all ]
[ ParlAI Model Arguments: ]
[ dict_class: parlai.core.dict:DictionaryAgent ]
[ init_model: None ]
[ model: projects.self_feeding.self_feeding_agent:SelfFeedingAgent ]
[ model_file: /tmp/mymodel4 ]
[ Local Human Arguments: ]
[ local_human_candidates_file: None ]
[ single_turn: False ]
[ ParlAI Image Preprocessing Arguments: ]
[ image_cropsize: 224 ]
[ image_size: 256 ]
[ TorchAgent Arguments: ]
[ add_p1_after_newln: False ]
[ delimiter:
[ embedding_projection: random ]
[ embedding_type: fasttext_cc ]
[ force_fp16_tokens: False ]
[ fp16: False ]
[ fp16_impl: apex ]
[ gpu: -1 ]
[ history_add_global_end_token: None ]
[ history_size: 2 ]
[ interactive_mode: True ]
[ label_truncate: None ]
[ no_cuda: True ]
[ person_tokens: False ]
[ rank_candidates: True ]
[ split_lines: False ]
[ text_truncate: None ]
[ truncate: 1024 ]
[ use_reply: label ]
[ Optimizer Arguments: ]
[ adafactor_eps: [1e-30, 0.001] ]
[ adam_eps: 1e-08 ]
[ betas: [0.9, 0.999] ]
[ gradient_clip: 0.1 ]
[ learningrate: 0.0025 ]
[ momentum: 0 ]
[ nesterov: True ]
[ nus: [0.7] ]
[ optimizer: adamax ]
[ weight_decay: None ]
[ Learning Rate Scheduler: ]
[ invsqrt_lr_decay_gamma: -1 ]
[ lr_scheduler: invsqrt ]
[ lr_scheduler_decay: 0.5 ]
[ lr_scheduler_patience: 3 ]
[ max_lr_steps: -1 ]
[ update_freq: 1 ]
[ warmup_rate: 0.0001 ]
[ warmup_updates: 500 ]
[ TorchRankerAgent: ]
[ candidates: batch ]
[ cap_num_predictions: 100 ]
[ encode_candidate_vecs: True ]
[ encode_candidate_vecs_batchsize: 256 ]
[ eval_candidates: fixed ]
[ fixed_candidate_vecs: reuse ]
[ fixed_candidates_path: /home/~/ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt ]
[ ignore_bad_candidates: False ]
[ inference: max ]
[ init_model: None ]
[ interactive_candidates: fixed ]
[ rank_top_k: -1 ]
[ repeat_blocking_heuristic: True ]
[ return_cand_scores: False ]
[ topk: 5 ]
[ train_predict: False ]
[ Transformer Arguments: ]
[ activation: relu ]
[ attention_dropout: 0.0 ]
[ data_parallel: False ]
[ dropout: 0.0 ]
[ embedding_size: 300 ]
[ embeddings_scale: False ]
[ ffn_size: 32 ]
[ learn_embeddings: True ]
[ learn_positional_embeddings: False ]
[ memory_attention: sqrt ]
[ model_parallel: False ]
[ n_decoder_layers: -1 ]
[ n_encoder_layers: -1 ]
[ n_heads: 2 ]
[ n_layers: 2 ]
[ n_positions: None ]
[ n_segments: 0 ]
[ normalize_sent_emb: False ]
[ output_scaling: 1.0 ]
[ reduction_type: mean ]
[ relu_dropout: 0.0 ]
[ share_encoders: True ]
[ use_memories: False ]
[ variant: aiayn ]
[ wrap_memory_encoder: False ]
[ Dictionary Arguments: ]
[ bpe_debug: False ]
[ dict_endtoken: end ]
[ dict_file: /tmp/mymodel4.dict ]
[ dict_initpath: None ]
[ dict_language: english ]
[ dict_lower: False ]
[ dict_max_ngram_size: -1 ]
[ dict_maxtokens: 250000 ]
[ dict_minfreq: 0 ]
[ dict_nulltoken: null ]
[ dict_starttoken: start ]
[ dict_textfields: text,labels ]
[ dict_tokenizer: re ]
[ dict_unktoken: unk ]
[ BPEHelper Arguments: ]
[ bpe_add_prefix_space: None ]
[ bpe_merge: None ]
[ bpe_vocab: None ]
[ Self Feeding Model: ]
[ sat_head_layers: 1 ]
[ share_fee_embeddings: True ]
[ share_fee_x_encoder: True ]
[ share_fee_y_encoder: True ]
[ share_sat_embeddings: False ]
[ share_sat_encoder: False ]
[ Self-feeding Agent: ]
[ add_double_person_tokens: False ]
[ dia_weight: 1.0 ]
[ display_sat_estimate: False ]
[ fee_weight: 1.0 ]
[ freeze_base: False ]
[ interactive: True ]
[ partial_load: True ]
[ prev_response_filter: True ]
[ prev_response_negatives: False ]
[ rating_frequency: 0.01 ]
[ rating_gap: 0.05 ]
[ rating_threshold: 0.5 ]
[ request_feedback: True ]
[ request_rating: False ]
[ sat_weight: 1.0 ]
[ subtasks: ['dialog', 'feedback', 'satisfaction'] ]
[ target_class: 0 ]
[ Self-feeding Variants: ]
[ regex: False ]
[ uncertainty_predictor: False ]
[ uncertainty_style: gap ]
[ uncertainty_threshold: 0.5 ]
Enter Your Message: Hello!
/home/~/ParlAI/parlai/core/ UserWarning: [ Executing eval mode with a common set of fixed candidates (n = 127712). ]
"(n = {}). ]".format(mode, len(self.fixed_candidates))
[SelfFeeding]: helloooo ! !
Enter Your Message: How are you?
[SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead?
Enter Your Message: You did not mess up
[SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now?
Enter Your Message: Sure, how about Science?
[SelfFeeding]: not bad . how about you ?
Enter Your Message: hmmm wrong answer
[SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead?
Enter Your Message: You could have said something relating to science
[SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now?
Enter Your Message: a
[SelfFeeding]: i like to spend time with my family
Enter Your Message: b
[SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead?
Enter Your Message: c
[SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now?
Enter Your Message: d
[SelfFeeding]: what is d d ?
Enter Your Message: e
[SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead?
Enter Your Message: f
[SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now?
Enter Your Message: g
[SelfFeeding]: savage ? do you like death metal ? i know a member of martius .
Enter Your Message: [DONE]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "projects/self_feeding/", line 90, in
Another error when using [DONE] command and then typing something:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "projects/self_feeding/", line 90, in
Sorry, Im not sure how some of the error stack trace is crossed out. Sorry for the inconvenience.
There are two issues:
Every two messages, the bot replies with: [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? no matter what I say. Is this a bug or is this intended? Whenever I try the [DONE] command, the issue below pops up. I used the pretrained model and trained my own model, both gave same results
Training command: python examples/ -t self_feeding:all --model-file /tmp/mymodel4 -ltim 5 -vtim 10 -vp 50 -m projects.self_feeding.self_feeding_agent:SelfFeedingAgent -cands batch --eval-candidates inline -histsz 2 --embedding-type fasttext_cc --embedding-size 300 --dict-maxtokens 250000 --num-epochs 500 --optimizer adamax --embeddings-scale false -bs 128 --relu-dropout 0 --attention-dropout 0 --n-heads 2 --n-layers 2 -lr 0.0025 --ffn-size 32 --lr-scheduler invsqrt --warmup-updates 500 --dia-train train_hh131k_hb60k.txt -vmt dia_acc -vmm max
Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
python projects/self_feeding/ --model-file /tmp/mymodel4 --no-cuda --request-feedback true [ warning: overriding opt['interactive'] to True (previously: False )] [ warning: overriding opt['interactive_task'] to True (previously: None )] [ warning: overriding opt['prev_response_filter'] to True (previously: False )] [ warning: overriding opt['partial_load'] to True (previously: False )] [ warning: overriding opt['eval_candidates'] to fixed (previously: inline )] [ warning: overriding opt['fixed_candidates_path'] to /home//ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt (previously: None )] [ warning: overriding opt['no_cuda'] to True (previously: False )] [ warning: overriding opt['request_feedback'] to True (previously: False )] [ Setting interactive mode defaults... ] Dictionary: loading dictionary from /tmp/mymodel4.dict [ num words = 25141 ] [SelfFeeding: full interactive mode on.] Initialized embeddings for 23672 tokens (94.2%) from fasttext_cc. Initialized embeddings for 23672 tokens (94.2%) from fasttext_cc. Initialized embeddings for 23672 tokens (94.2%) from fasttext_cc. Total parameters: 18,298,093 (17,376,493 trainable) Loading existing model parameters from /tmp/mymodel4 [ Loading fixed candidate set from /home//ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt ] [ Loading fixed candidate set vectors from /tmp/mymodel4.convai2_cands.vecs ] [ Loading fixed candidate set encodings from /tmp/mymodel4.convai2_cands.encs ] /home/~/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: size_average and reduce args will be deprecated, please use reduction='sum' instead. warnings.warn(warning.format(ret)) [creating task(s): parlai.agents.local_human.local_human:LocalHumanAgent] Enter [DONE] if you want to end the episode, [EXIT] to quit. [ optional arguments: ] [ share_word_embeddings: True ] [ Main ParlAI Arguments: ] [ batchsize: 128 ] [ datapath: /home//ParlAI/data ] [ datatype: train ] [ download_path: /home//ParlAI/downloads ] [ dynamic_batching: None ] [ hide_labels: False ] [ image_mode: raw ] [ init_opt: None ] [ multitask_weights: [1] ] [ numthreads: 1 ] [ show_advanced_args: False ] [ task: self_feeding:all ] [ ParlAI Model Arguments: ] [ dict_class: parlai.core.dict:DictionaryAgent ] [ init_model: None ] [ model: projects.self_feeding.self_feeding_agent:SelfFeedingAgent ] [ model_file: /tmp/mymodel4 ] [ Local Human Arguments: ] [ local_human_candidates_file: None ] [ single_turn: False ] [ ParlAI Image Preprocessing Arguments: ] [ image_cropsize: 224 ] [ image_size: 256 ] [ TorchAgent Arguments: ] [ add_p1_after_newln: False ] [ delimiter: ] [ embedding_projection: random ] [ embedding_type: fasttext_cc ] [ force_fp16_tokens: False ] [ fp16: False ] [ fp16_impl: apex ] [ gpu: -1 ] [ history_add_global_end_token: None ] [ history_size: 2 ] [ interactive_mode: True ] [ label_truncate: None ] [ no_cuda: True ] [ person_tokens: False ] [ rank_candidates: True ] [ split_lines: False ] [ text_truncate: None ] [ truncate: 1024 ] [ use_reply: label ] [ Optimizer Arguments: ] [ adafactor_eps: [1e-30, 0.001] ] [ adam_eps: 1e-08 ] [ betas: [0.9, 0.999] ] [ gradient_clip: 0.1 ] [ learningrate: 0.0025 ] [ momentum: 0 ] [ nesterov: True ] [ nus: [0.7] ] [ optimizer: adamax ] [ weight_decay: None ] [ Learning Rate Scheduler: ] [ invsqrt_lr_decay_gamma: -1 ] [ lr_scheduler: invsqrt ] [ lr_scheduler_decay: 0.5 ] [ lr_scheduler_patience: 3 ] [ max_lr_steps: -1 ] [ update_freq: 1 ] [ warmup_rate: 0.0001 ] [ warmup_updates: 500 ] [ TorchRankerAgent: ] [ candidates: batch ] [ cap_num_predictions: 100 ] [ encode_candidate_vecs: True ] [ encode_candidate_vecs_batchsize: 256 ] [ eval_candidates: fixed ] [ fixed_candidate_vecs: reuse ] [ fixed_candidates_path: /home//ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt ] [ ignore_bad_candidates: False ] [ inference: max ] [ init_model: None ] [ interactive_candidates: fixed ] [ rank_top_k: -1 ] [ repeat_blocking_heuristic: True ] [ return_cand_scores: False ] [ topk: 5 ] [ train_predict: False ] [ Transformer Arguments: ] [ activation: relu ] [ attention_dropout: 0.0 ] [ data_parallel: False ] [ dropout: 0.0 ] [ embedding_size: 300 ] [ embeddings_scale: False ] [ ffn_size: 32 ] [ learn_embeddings: True ] [ learn_positional_embeddings: False ] [ memory_attention: sqrt ] [ model_parallel: False ] [ n_decoder_layers: -1 ] [ n_encoder_layers: -1 ] [ n_heads: 2 ] [ n_layers: 2 ] [ n_positions: None ] [ n_segments: 0 ] [ normalize_sent_emb: False ] [ output_scaling: 1.0 ] [ reduction_type: mean ] [ relu_dropout: 0.0 ] [ share_encoders: True ] [ use_memories: False ] [ variant: aiayn ] [ wrap_memory_encoder: False ] [ Dictionary Arguments: ] [ bpe_debug: False ] [ dict_endtoken: end ] [ dict_file: /tmp/mymodel4.dict ] [ dict_initpath: None ] [ dict_language: english ] [ dict_lower: False ] [ dict_max_ngram_size: -1 ] [ dict_maxtokens: 250000 ] [ dict_minfreq: 0 ] [ dict_nulltoken: null ] [ dict_starttoken: start ] [ dict_textfields: text,labels ] [ dict_tokenizer: re ] [ dict_unktoken: unk ] [ BPEHelper Arguments: ] [ bpe_add_prefix_space: None ] [ bpe_merge: None ] [ bpe_vocab: None ] [ Self Feeding Model: ] [ sat_head_layers: 1 ] [ share_fee_embeddings: True ] [ share_fee_x_encoder: True ] [ share_fee_y_encoder: True ] [ share_sat_embeddings: False ] [ share_sat_encoder: False ] [ Self-feeding Agent: ] [ add_double_person_tokens: False ] [ dia_weight: 1.0 ] [ display_sat_estimate: False ] [ fee_weight: 1.0 ] [ freeze_base: False ] [ interactive: True ] [ partial_load: True ] [ prev_response_filter: True ] [ prev_response_negatives: False ] [ rating_frequency: 0.01 ] [ rating_gap: 0.05 ] [ rating_threshold: 0.5 ] [ request_feedback: True ] [ request_rating: False ] [ sat_weight: 1.0 ] [ subtasks: ['dialog', 'feedback', 'satisfaction'] ] [ target_class: 0 ] [ Self-feeding Variants: ] [ regex: False ] [ uncertainty_predictor: False ] [ uncertainty_style: gap ] [ uncertainty_threshold: 0.5 ] Enter Your Message: Hello! /home//ParlAI/parlai/core/ UserWarning: [ Executing eval mode with a common set of fixed candidates (n = 127712). ] "(n = {}). ]".format(mode, len(self.fixed_candidates)) [SelfFeeding]: helloooo ! ! Enter Your Message: How are you? [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message: You did not mess up [SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now? Enter Your Message: Sure, how about Science? [SelfFeeding]: not bad . how about you ? Enter Your Message: hmmm wrong answer [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message: You could have said something relating to science [SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now? Enter Your Message: a [SelfFeeding]: i like to spend time with my family Enter Your Message: b [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message: c [SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now? Enter Your Message: d [SelfFeeding]: what is d d ? Enter Your Message: e [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message: f [SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now? Enter Your Message: g [SelfFeeding]: savage ? do you like death metal ? i know a member of martius . Enter Your Message: [DONE] Traceback (most recent call last): File "projects/self_feeding/", line 90, in interactive(parser.parse_args(print_args=False), print_parser=parser) File "projects/self_feeding/", line 81, in interactive world.parley() File "/home//ParlAI/parlai/core/", line 342, in parley acts[1] = agents[1].act() File "/home//ParlAI/projects/self_feeding/", line 324, in act positivity = self.predict_satisfaction(self.observation) File "/home//ParlAI/projects/self_feeding/", line 732, in predict_satisfaction prob = self.model.score_satisfaction(observation['text_vec'].reshape(1, -1)) File "/home//ParlAI/projects/self_feeding/", line 148, in score_satisfaction return torch.sigmoid(self.x_sat_head(self.x_sat_encoder(x_vecs))).squeeze(1) File "/home//.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 547, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home//ParlAI/parlai/agents/transformer/", line 522, in forward if positions.max().item() > self.n_positions: RuntimeError: invalid argument 1: cannot perform reduction function max on tensor with no elements because the operation does not have an identity at /pytorch/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensorEvenMoreMath.cpp:189
Another error when using [DONE] command and then typing something: Traceback (most recent call last): File "projects/self_feeding/", line 90, in interactive(parser.parse_args(print_args=False), print_parser=parser) File "projects/self_feeding/", line 81, in interactive world.parley() File "/home//ParlAI/parlai/core/", line 341, in parley agents[1].observe(validate(acts[0])) File "/home//ParlAI/projects/self_feeding/", line 372, in observe return super().observe(observation) File "/home//ParlAI/parlai/core/", line 1590, in observe self._validate_observe_invariants() File "/home//ParlAI/parlai/core/", line 1680, in _validate_observe_invariants "Last observe() was episode_done, but we never saw a corresponding " RuntimeError: Last observe() was episode_done, but we never saw a corresponding self_observe to clear the history, probably because you missed an act(). This was changed in #2043. File a GitHub issue if you require assistance.
Thanks for reporting. The second one looks like there was a batch size of 0 maybe? The first one I'm not so sure about. We'd have to figure out why there was the observe call but no self observe. Perhaps the agent's act wasn't upgraded...
Oh ok. Thanks for your help. Regarding the first problem, should I try an earlier commit of this repository.
Thanks again.
Did you happen to have luck with an earlier commit? If so, do you know which? That would help me fix the bug in master.
Ah ok. I will try an earlier commit and come back to you.
Even after trying commit as early as #2124, I still couldn't get it to work. It may be a problem with my parameters. Command I used:python projects/self_feeding/ --model-file zoo:self_feeding/hh131k_hb60k_fb60k_st1k/model --no-cuda --request-feedback true Still getting this: Enter Your Message: Hello [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message: [SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now? Enter Your Message: [SelfFeeding]: good morning what is the haps ? Enter Your Message: [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message: [SelfFeeding]: Thanks! I'll try to remember that. Can you pick a new topic for us to talk about now? Enter Your Message: [SelfFeeding]: what is up stranger ? what are you doing ? Enter Your Message: hi [SelfFeeding]: Oops! I think I messed up. What could I have said instead? Enter Your Message:
parameters: [ optional arguments: ] [ share_word_embeddings: True ] [ Main ParlAI Arguments: ] [ batchsize: 128 ] [ datapath: /home/weichen/ParlAI/data ] [ datatype: train ] [ download_path: /dfs/scratch1/bradenjh/ParlAI/downloads ] [ hide_labels: False ] [ image_mode: raw ] [ init_opt: None ] [ multitask_weights: [1] ] [ numthreads: 1 ] [ show_advanced_args: False ] [ task: self_feeding:all:train ] [ ParlAI Model Arguments: ] [ dict_class: parlai.core.dict:DictionaryAgent ] [ init_model: None ] [ model: projects.self_feeding.self_feeding_agent:SelfFeedingAgent ] [ model_file: /home/weichen/ParlAI/data/models/self_feeding/hh131k_hb60k_fb60k_st1k/model ] [ Local Human Arguments: ] [ local_human_candidates_file: None ] [ single_turn: False ] [ ParlAI Image Preprocessing Arguments: ] [ image_cropsize: 224 ] [ image_size: 256 ] [ TorchAgent Arguments: ] [ add_p1_after_newln: False ] [ delimiter: ] [ embedding_projection: random ] [ embedding_type: fasttext_cc ] [ fp16: False ] [ gpu: -1 ] [ history_size: 2 ] [ interactive_mode: True ] [ label_truncate: None ] [ no_cuda: True ] [ person_tokens: False ] [ rank_candidates: True ] [ split_lines: False ] [ text_truncate: None ] [ truncate: 1024 ] [ use_reply: label ] [ Optimizer Arguments: ] [ adam_eps: 1e-08 ] [ betas: [0.9, 0.999] ] [ gradient_clip: 0.1 ] [ learningrate: 0.0025 ] [ momentum: 0 ] [ nesterov: True ] [ nus: [0.7] ] [ optimizer: adamax ] [ weight_decay: None ] [ Learning Rate Scheduler: ] [ lr_scheduler: invsqrt ] [ lr_scheduler_decay: 0.5 ] [ lr_scheduler_patience: 3 ] [ update_freq: -1 ] [ warmup_rate: 0.0001 ] [ warmup_updates: 500 ] [ TorchRankerAgent: ] [ candidates: batch ] [ cap_num_predictions: 100 ] [ encode_candidate_vecs: True ] [ encode_candidate_vecs_batchsize: 256 ] [ eval_candidates: fixed ] [ fixed_candidate_vecs: reuse ] [ fixed_candidates_path: /home/weichen/ParlAI/data/self_feeding/convai2_cands.txt ] [ ignore_bad_candidates: False ] [ inference: max ] [ init_model: None ] [ rank_top_k: -1 ] [ repeat_blocking_heuristic: True ] [ topk: 5 ] [ train_predict: False ] [ Transformer Arguments: ] [ activation: relu ] [ attention_dropout: 0.0 ] [ data_parallel: False ] [ dropout: 0.0 ] [ embedding_size: 300 ] [ embeddings_scale: False ] [ ffn_size: 32 ] [ learn_embeddings: True ] [ learn_positional_embeddings: False ] [ memory_attention: sqrt ] [ n_heads: 2 ] [ n_layers: 2 ] [ n_positions: None ] [ n_segments: 0 ] [ normalize_sent_emb: False ] [ output_scaling: 1.0 ] [ reduction_type: mean ] [ relu_dropout: 0.0 ] [ share_encoders: True ] [ use_memories: False ] [ variant: aiayn ] [ wrap_memory_encoder: False ] [ Dictionary Arguments: ] [ bpe_debug: False ] [ dict_endtoken: end ] [ dict_file: /home/weichen/ParlAI/data/models/self_feeding/hh131k_hb60k_fb60k_st1k/model.dict ] [ dict_initpath: None ] [ dict_language: english ] [ dict_lower: False ] [ dict_max_ngram_size: -1 ] [ dict_maxtokens: 250000 ] [ dict_minfreq: 0 ] [ dict_nulltoken: null ] [ dict_starttoken: start ] [ dict_textfields: text,labels ] [ dict_tokenizer: re ] [ dict_unktoken: unk ] [ Self Feeding Model: ] [ sat_head_layers: 1 ] [ share_fee_embeddings: True ] [ share_fee_x_encoder: True ] [ share_fee_y_encoder: True ] [ share_sat_embeddings: False ] [ share_sat_encoder: False ] [ Self-feeding Agent: ] [ add_double_person_tokens: True ] [ dia_weight: 1.0 ] [ display_sat_estimate: False ] [ fee_weight: 1.0 ] [ freeze_base: False ] [ interactive: True ] [ partial_load: True ] [ prev_response_filter: True ] [ prev_response_negatives: False ] [ rating_frequency: 0.01 ] [ rating_gap: 0.05 ] [ rating_threshold: 0.5 ] [ request_feedback: True ] [ request_rating: False ] [ sat_weight: 1.0 ] [ subtasks: ['dialog', 'satisfaction'] ] [ target_class: 0 ] [ Self-feeding Variants: ] [ regex: False ] [ uncertainty_predictor: False ] [ uncertainty_style: gap ] [ uncertainty_threshold: 0.5 ]
This issue has not had activity in 30 days. Marking as stale.
closing, as this project is no longer maintained