ImageBind icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ImageBind copied to clipboard

ImageBind One Embedding Space to Bind Them All

Results 81 ImageBind issues
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I cloned this app into pycharm and copied the initial file when i ran "python" it began downloading 5 gigs of data. Did I do something wrong or is...

I can run the example code. But how to run the model to generate the some images and audio? ![image](

Thank you for the very cool work! I'm having trouble finding your implementation of NCE loss, however. I know @fabawi has implemented a version of this for his LoRA fine-tuning...

I created a simple ImageBind finetuning example using LoRA: Make sure you clone it recursively to include the example dataset: git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 [email protected]:fabawi/ImageBind-LoRA.git Install the requirements following...

Thanks a lot for release such an amazing work! We implement a simple and interesting demo by combing ImageBind with SAM here: [ImageBind-SAM]( which can segment things with different modalities,...

Great Job! Will it support ```Text/Audio/Image > Video/3D``` conversion, approximately when?

An amazing work!!! It's well known that and used open-clip as pretrianed text and image encoder. However, I have noticed that you used a private DALLE-2 to generate...

would you like to give us more examples showing how did imu data translate to text or videos in applications? Thanks