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Open datatip/diagnostics tooltip on cursor over?
Similar to the linter functionality, is there a way to turn on the data-tip/diagnostic tip on cursor over?
Expected Behavior
Show the error/warning as a tooltip without having to use the mouse
Actual Behavior
A mouse cursor has to hovered for the tip to appear.
- Atom: 1.21.2
- Client OS: MacOS
- atom-ide-ui: 0.5.3
Since you're on Mac OS, just hit "option". The command is "datatip:toggle" :)
Doesn't work. Guess it's back to linter.
Does using the command from the command palette work, at least? Note that your cursor has to be inside the diagnostic range, of course.
Nothing happens when the option key is pressed. Same goes with command-palette datatip:toggle.
However if both option+cmd is pressed very precisely at the same time, I see the data tip appear.
Unfortunately it does not remain toggled on and I have to do it for every line.
Oh I think I see - so the corresponding linter command enables displaying the overlay as you move the cursor? I guess that's a reasonable feature request
Any updates on this?
I was digging into this and found my issue with the flickering data-tip on toggle was the fact that the intentions package ( maps it to Cmd+Alt which was getting in the way of the Alt shortcut the atom-ide-ui provided. I disabled intentions and now I can reliably hit Alt again to toggle data tips, in case that helps anyone else reading this.
This issue is not about being able to toggle the datatip but to have them automatically show when moving cursor through keyboard.
This is the single thing that keeps me from using atom-ide right know, maybe I'm inflexible :scream_cat:, but It's really useful just moving the cursor a bit back check what was wrong with what I just typed.
Yeah it's quite an strange oversight. I tried to go through the code to see if I could do a pull request. It turned out to non trivial. All in all, it doesn't seem to give me any more functionality than existing linter did so I decided to stick with that until linter is maintained. Hope is that by the time that becomes abandoned, this project would be maturer than it is now.