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What is temporal jittering & temporal scaling?
Hello @dutran
I have been reading & trying to understand the following paper on gesture recognition: [(http://research.nvidia.com/sites/default/files/pubs/2016-06_Online-Detection-and/NVIDIA_R3DCNN_cvpr2016.pdf)]
Here, they mention they have used augmentations like:
temporal scaling (±20%), and jittering (±3 frames).
This repo also has an implementation for temporal jitter @
- https://github.com/facebook/C3D/blob/36c3f3156cdea7a62b8f81614f61a10ea64da8ea/C3D-v1.1/src/caffe/util/image_io.cpp#L132
This has got me confused about what exactly is frame jittering:
- Is it equivalent to frame dropping at a specified sampling rate?
- Is it increasing the number of frames by copying certain (specified or random) frames?
- Is it changing the order of certain (specified or random) frames i.e. the same number of frames but a disturbed sequence of frames?
Doubts with temporal scaling:
- Drop frames at random indices across the temporal dimension?
- Drop frames uniformly with a fixed sampling rate?
Apart from the implementation mentioned above, I could not find any documentation that explains these two augmentations. Please help.
Thanks in advance.