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help with psudo element ::-webkit-scrollbar and ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb
Can anybody help me to turn the below code into stylex:
this works in dev but I get the below error.
"::-webkit-scrollbar": {
width: "8px",
height: "8px"
"::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb": {
borderRadius: "8px",
backgroundColor: xBorderColor
Pseudo Classes, Media Queries and other At Rules should be nested as conditions within style properties. Only Pseudo Elements (::after) are allowed at the top-level @stylexjs/valid-styles
Error: Pseudo Classes, Media Queries and other At Rules should be nested as conditions within style properties. Only Pseudo Elements (::after) are allowed at the top-level @stylexjs/valid-styles
I've tried something like this, even though scrollbarThumb doesnt exist, I couldnt get the scrollbar-thumb: { borderRadius: 8}
scrollbarWidth: 8,
scrollbarHeight: 8,
scrollbarColor: "red blue",
//scrollbarThumb: 8
thank you
The ESLint rule doesn't recognise these pseudo elements. This is a bug in our ESLint plugin. Feel free to suppress the lint error and continue using it.
Hi, @alejandroyunes try it like this
scrollbarWidth: 8,
scrollbarHeight: 8,
scrollbarColor: {
thumb: "red blue",
"::-webkit-scrollbar": {
width: 8,
height: 8,
"::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb": {
borderRadius: 8,
backgroundColor: "red blue",
thank you, I've just disabled both lines:
eslint-disable-next-line @stylexjs/valid-styles
Try using v0.5.0-alpha.1 to see if it has fixed your problem. (Remember to reload VSCode after you update an ESLint plugin for it to take effect)
@nmn I had the same issue with the plugin reporting ::-webkit-scrollbar as an invalid pseudo element. I can confirm the error went away in v0.5.0-alpha.1, thanks!
Fixed in 0.5.0