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@relay_test_operation fragment `query` doesn't work as expected.

Open bradmk-1 opened this issue 6 months ago • 2 comments

originally brought to GraphQL discord, but nobody seems to understand why there so wondering if anybody else can shed light on this.

Getting an error related to a missing fragment with the below test setup. The query works fine when not used in a test setting and hydrates the component with the result, but in my test rig, I get:

Error: Uncaught [Invariant Violation: Relay: Expected to receive an object where ...FileUpload_files was spread, but the fragment reference was not found. This is most likely the result of: - Forgetting to spread FileUpload_files in usePaginationFragment()'s parent's fragment. - Conditionally fetching FileUpload_files but unconditionally passing a fragment reference prop to usePaginationFragment().

Test setup looks like:

const testQuery = graphql`
  query fileUploadTestQuery(
    $first: Int
    $after: String
    $filter: FileUploadFilter
  ) @relay_test_operation {
      @arguments(first: $first, after: $after, filter: $filter)

describe("File Upload Intergration", () => {
  const TestRenderer = () => {
    const data = useLazyLoadQuery(testQuery, {
      first: 20,
      after: null,
      filter: null,

    return <FileUpload files={} />;

const filesFragment = graphql`
  fragment FileUpload_files on Query
    first: { type: "Int", defaultValue: 20 }
    after: { type: "String", defaultValue: null }
    filter: { type: "FileUploadFilter", defaultValue: null }
  @refetchable(queryName: "FileUploadPaginationQuery") {
    bank {
      fileUploads(first: $first, after: $after, filter: $filter)
        @connection(key: "FileUpload_fileUploads") {
        edges {

The filesFragment is consumed by a usePaginationFragment, which I'm unsure makes a difference here since the only difference would be the connection and argument fields.

bradmk-1 avatar Aug 29 '24 11:08 bradmk-1