regenerator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
regenerator copied to clipboard

Crashes with some polyfills: @@toStringTag is not writable.

Open amangeot opened this issue 6 years ago • 7 comments

Hello, I receive this error in console on Android Kitkat webviews:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property '@@toStringTag' of [object Object]", source:

Troubles arise from this line: Gp[toStringTagSymbol] = "Generator"; because toStringTagSymbol is not writable.

Some polyfills made it writable to make sure it works with regenerator.

So I wrote about the issue here:, but apparently the spec wants @@toStringTag to not be writable. EDIT: I thought it was related to this polyfill I use

Is it possible to not overwrite @@toStringTag ?

amangeot avatar Oct 13 '17 16:10 amangeot