react-native icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native copied to clipboard

A framework for building native applications using React

Results 1901 react-native issues
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## Summary: This PR is a result of this PR, which got merged but then reverted: - We are trying to implement a workaround for #35350, so react-native users...

CLA Signed

### Description This problem occurred when my project was running yarn ios. I looked up a lot of information did not find what is the reason, hope you help to...

Needs: Author Feedback
Type: Unsupported Version

Update ## Summary: Change the top offset of perf monitor component. As it is overlapped by dynamic island of iPhone 14 Pro series. Before: After: ## Changelog: [iOS] [Fixed]...

CLA Signed

### Description This issue has to do with the metro bundler not being able to bundle the JS to the device. I run `npm run start` and it shows fine...

Tech: Bundler 📦
Needs: Author Feedback
Needs: Repro

## Summary: Bumped Flipper version from `0.182.0` to `0.204.0` (which is currently latest version). New version contain NDK 25, which is necessarily for us since we would like to bump...

CLA Signed

## Environment [skip envinfo] ## Reproducible Demo Provided in corresponding issues ## Description Issues closed while still open. Cookie based authentication is at this moment not usable. This is partially...

Help Wanted :octocat:
📮Known Issues

## Description On a fresh 0.63.2 project run on Android in release mode, the following output fills up much of the adb logcat output. I'm not sure if this represents...

Platform: Android
Needs: Triage :mag:

We recently upgraded to React Native 0.63, Jest 26, and React Native Testing Library 7. When running jest with `--runInBand` we have noticed the following error randomly in our CI:...

Resolution: PR Submitted

## Summary See for rational. This bug in UIKit does apply for all UITextInput views. So this PR copies over the fix from multiline-view to singleline-view. ## Changelog [iOS]...

CLA Signed
Platform: iOS

### Description Been out since 2022 ### React Native Version 0.72.1 ### Output of `npx react-native info` no ### Steps to reproduce no ### Snack, code example, screenshot, or link...

Needs: Triage :mag: