openr copied to clipboard
build fail(centos 7)
help check, build fail(centos 7), where i have successfully build fboss, thanks:
-- Boost version: 1.69.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
-- date_time
-- program_options
-- boost: /opt/facebook/boost-v1ljJCCsMd3KjqvvmQ03sjKRlmfxOqak5Ni6Car4-g0/lib
-- Configuring done
CMake Error at example/CMakeLists.txt:30 (add_executable):
Target "calendar" links to target "Boost::date_time" but the target was not
found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED target, or
an ALIAS target is missing?
CMake Error at example/CMakeLists.txt:30 (add_executable):
Target "calendar" links to target "Boost::program_options" but the target
was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/fbcode_builder_getdeps-ZrootZcodeZopenrZbuildZfbcode_builder-root/build/range-v3-n6JDMcYiMu3uFiboCRZjO2iIgZ8m0omTPbbX4vGQf2o
Command '['/usr/local/bin/cmake', '/tmp/fbcode_builder_getdeps-ZrootZcodeZopenrZbuildZfbcode_builder-root/extracted/range-v3-0.11.0.tar.gz/range-v3-0.11.0', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/facebook/range-v3-n6JDMcYiMu3uFiboCRZjO2iIgZ8m0omTPbbX4vGQf2o', '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo', '-DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include/boost169', '-DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/usr/lib64/boost169', '-DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON', '-G', 'Ninja']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
!! Failed
[ERROR]: Failed to build openr
Sorry about this. We're currently working on getting CI back (we run out of disk space building) and if we hit this we will fix.
We only test and support building in Ubuntu 20.04 and we need c++ 20 compiler support.