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A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.

Results 196 hhvm issues
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This PR creates a `upload-deb` GitHub Action job, which downloads `bundle.deb` built from previous GitHub Action job, then upload `bundle.deb` to S3 with the help of [s3fs](https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse). The indices will...

CLA Signed

Automated changes by [create-pull-request](https://github.com/peter-evans/create-pull-request) GitHub action

CLA Signed

The type should be nullable Throwable since 4.162.0. There may have been good reasons for leaving it though...

CLA Signed

Basically just following everything exactly to install on Ubuntu 2022-04 (This is Ubuntu on VirtualBox on a Windows 11 machine... if it may be an issue) (I am putting all...

**Describe the bug** Overriding a final method is not allowed. This is also true for constructors. The typechecker flags overrides of final methods. Adding a `__ConsistentConstruct` attribute to the base...


**Describe the bug** Instead of only removing dead fixmes (which don't produce a type error when removed) this command now removes all of them. **Standalone code, or other way to...

Currently we build `fmt` from source unconditionally, and our CMake file to build `fmt` is not compatible with nix's clang environment. An error about `cannot find -lc++: No such file...

CLA Signed

I am working on porting our CMake build to Clang on Linux. It seems that we have some CMake files to build some bundled third-party libraries from source. However these...