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BRANCHES MANUAL - name: Setup Node.js environment uses: actions/setup-n…

Open iLLTechniqueZ opened this issue 7 months ago • 1 comments

[email protected] with: # Set always-auth in npmrc. always-auth: # optional, default is false # Version Spec of the version to use. Examples: 12.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0. node-version: # optional # File containing the version Spec of the version to use. Examples: .nvmrc, .node-version, .tool-versions. node-version-file: # optional # Target architecture for Node to use. Examples: x86, x64. Will use system architecture by default. architecture: # optional # Set this option if you want the action to check for the latest available version that satisfies the version spec. check-latest: # optional # Optional registry to set up for auth. Will set the registry in a project level .npmrc and .yarnrc file, and set up auth to read in from env.NODE_AUTH_TOKEN. registry-url: # optional # Optional scope for authenticating against scoped registries. Will fall back to the repository owner when using the GitHub Packages registry (https://npm.pkg.github.com/). scope: # optional # Used to pull node distributions from node-versions. Since there's a default, this is typically not supplied by the user. When running this action on github.com, the default value is sufficient. When running on GHES, you can pass a personal access token for github.com if you are experiencing rate limiting. token: # optional, default is ${{ github.server_url == 'https://github.com' && github.token || '' }} # Used to specify a package manager for caching in the default directory. Supported values: npm, yarn, pnpm. cache: # optional # Used to specify the path to a dependency file: package-lock.json, yarn.lock, etc. Supports wildcards or a list of file names for caching multiple dependencies. cache-dependency-path: # optional

        - name: Setup Node.js environment

uses: actions/[email protected] with: # Set always-auth in npmrc. always-auth: # optional, default is false # Version Spec of the version to use. Examples: 12.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0. node-version: # optional # File containing the version Spec of the version to use. Examples: .nvmrc, .node-version, .tool-versions. node-version-file: # optional # Target architecture for Node to use. Examples: x86, x64. Will use system architecture by default. architecture: # optional # Set this option if you want the action to check for the latest available version that satisfies the version spec. check-latest: # optional # Optional registry to set up for auth. Will set the registry in a project level .npmrc and .yarnrc file, and set up auth to read in from env.NODE_AUTH_TOKEN. registry-url: # optional # Optional scope for authenticating against scoped registries. Will fall back to the repository owner when using the GitHub Packages registry (https://npm.pkg.github.com/). scope: # optional # Used to pull node distributions from node-versions. Since there's a default, this is typically not supplied by the user. When running this action on github.com, the default value is sufficient. When running on GHES, you can pass a personal access token for github.com if you are experiencing rate limiting. token: # optional, default is ${{ github.server_url == 'https://github.com' && github.token || '' }} # Used to specify a package manager for caching in the default directory. Supported values: npm, yarn, pnpm. cache: # optional # Used to specify the path to a dependency file: package-lock.json, yarn.lock, etc. Supports wildcards or a list of file names for caching multiple dependencies. cache-dependency-path: # optional

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iLLTechniqueZ avatar Nov 15 '23 20:11 iLLTechniqueZ

Hi @iLLTechniqueZ!

Thank you for your pull request and welcome to our community.

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