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A React-inspired view framework for iOS.

Results 27 componentkit issues
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I'm using hostingView on collectionViewCell, I want to know the state of the component when the cell didEndDisplayingCell,, so I need to uninstall the component

I'm on Xcode 13 and created a UIKit + Swift empty project. Then I added a Cartfile with: ``` github "facebook/ComponentKit" ``` ![image]( Then I ran: ``` carthage update --use-xcframeworks...

Hi experts, I downloaded the newest version of Xcode and follow all the instructions and open WildeGuess, try to run on simulator. However, hundreds of "Block implicitly retains 'self'; explicitly...

hi, As I know that Litho(Android) is support incremental mount now, but i can`t find this in componentkit. is there a plan to support incremental mount on iOS ? And...

Hi guys, a few weeks ago, I tried so many tutorials and samples including WildGuess . But my components did not resize automatically in screen rotation. I used **CKComponentSizeRangeFlexibleHeight** for...

Is the source for your [docusaurus website]( available publicly?

Hi all, I'm confused where the documentation aka. docusaurus repo is storage, how can I submit a PR ?

Old git submodules for ComponentKit's dependencies are checked out at `/Carthage/Checkouts`. This breaks `carthage update` as the dependencies mentioned in `Cartfile.private` won't be used.

What do you see as the main differences and similarities?

In theory, memory grows infinitely