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Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps.

Results 47 chisel issues
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In [Custom Command](, "`Chisel` has a python function just for this, loadCommandsInDirectory in the _fbobjclldb.py_ module." Actually, the name of the module is _fbchisellldb.py_ or _fblldb.py_.

Hello, I met a problem while installing the Chisel. My MacOS system is Monterey and my chip is M1 Max。 the Error infos like this: ==> Reinstalling chisel ==> Pouring...

can't find callable: sys.modules['FBFindCommands'].FBTapLoggerCommand.taplog_callback

A bit cleaner, a bit smaller (112 lines), more room for annotation.

CLA Signed

I've discovered that Chisel seems to be crashing LLDB in Xcode 13 when running unit tests. - Chisel 2.0.1 - macOS Version 12.0.1 (Build 21A559) - Xcode 13.1 (19466) (Build...

I breakpoint in my code and tried to do a `visualize subview` I get this: ``` error: error: Execution was interrupted, reason: step over. The process has been returned to...

evalfile command can evaluate a multiline source code from a file. You can also supply a argument after the file parameter. ```objc // /path/to/test.m @import ObjectiveC.runtime; NSMutableArray *result = (id)[NSMutableArray...

CLA Signed

before: Imp: 0x10a451d40 Signature: void ^(); after: Imp: 0x10a451d40 Signature: void ^() Variables : { };

CLA Signed