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Open source chef cookbooks.

Results 21 chef-cookbooks issues
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This is a cookbook to manage SSH using the FB attribute-driven model. It handles daemon and client configs as well as authorized_keys and authorized_principals. There are few things worth noting...

CLA Signed

In chef v17, chef added a lot of built-ins and we are seeing instability with at least one of them when we call `debian?` within a library function, it...

This is a very simple cookbook to install and configure smartmontools. This was primarily written by @infcted

CLA Signed

This cookbook manages Nginx using the FB attribute-driven model. It is heavily based off of `fb_apache`, with a few extra nicities thrown in. NOTE: Needs some testing on a RH-like...

CLA Signed

We should run `httpd -t` in a validator when rendering config files in templates

This cookbook aims to manage NetworkManager in the most controlled way possible. It might-could-should be sent over to CPE cookbooks, I can redirect over there if preferred. While, much to...

CLA Signed

This is a very simple cookbook to manage `sssd` a common staple on modern Linux machines - both servers and client machines. I've tried to stick as close as possible...

CLA Signed

### Describe the Enhancement: Converging the cookbooks in this repo on a v17+ Chef client result in the following deprecation warning being thrown at the end of the run (using...

According to both the docs *and* the logs, '_clowntown_override_file_method' allows you to add additional restrictions to when override files take effect, but if it's not defined, then they always take...