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Pluggable in-process caching engine to build and scale high performance services

Results 38 CacheLib issues
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Hi, I am using Cachelib to store all items that are requested but missing from underlying layer. So the values of these items are empty. As a result, for 40GB...

@byrnedj and I have been running some cachebench tests and we think we found some data races that are false positives and wanted to provide the output we gathered. This...

Added file-based SHM segment option in SHM module and CacheAllocator. This PR allows any memory-mapped file to be used as a memory tier in CacheLib. However, these changes only allow...

CLA Signed

### Discussed in Originally posted by **vicvicg** October 11, 2021 When running CacheLib tests following the instructions (, we get different test pass rates depending on the environment, some...

good first issue

Remove the item from mmContainer and drop the lock before attempting eviction. The change improves throughput for default hit_ratio/graph_cache_leader_fbobj config by ~30%. It also reduces p99 latencies significantly. The improvement...

CLA Signed

Centos build is failing It complains about not able to download metadata for repo AppStream ``` Run dnf update -y Failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream' CentOS-8 - AppStream...

**Describe the bug** Rust bindings fail to build. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Change into `cachelib/rust` within this repo (crate root) 2. Run `cargo build` 3. See...

Hi! I noticed that the CI on main branch and on PRs is failing. Would you be open to integrating CI from our fork (pmem/CacheLib)? Right now we are building...

Kangaroo is a small object cache for flash built into CacheLib, designed to have low DRAM overhead, low write rates, and low miss rates. To find out more, look at...

CLA Signed

This set of changes allows binding particular memory segments to the specified NUMA node(s).

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